Black Hate

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"Ugh. I hate black people!"


But, you're black, fam. See, I understand if you're into stuff that's prodominantly liked by white people. That doesn't mean you are white though.

Yeah, black people get a bad rep, and most think we've done some pretty conflicting thing- myself included.

But that never means disown your own race.

That never means act all uppity, pretentious, prejudiced, condescending- whatever the fuck you wanna call it!

Because to them you most likely are still suspicious and problematic.

To them you're odd, unique. In the negative sense.

I used to feel like to fit in amongst people I had to change my personality, when all I had to do was find like-minded friends I could vibe with. Once you find those people, you're good.

Now, I'm not implying all white people are hateful and have ulterior motives. But bro, if the shoe fits, wear it my nigga.

"Well, I'm friends with white people because they get me, ya know? Black people are soo belligerent and obnoxious, and you wonder why white people clutch their purses when ya'll are within a 2-feet radius of them."

That sentence was wild from start to finish.

First of all, *takes exaggerated breath*.

Who birthed you? *crickets*

A black woman, so don't get me started with the stereotypes and generalization you just used. If you gonna throw slangs about people, make sure it doesn't apply to your family. That should make you ashamed of yourself, quite honestly.

I have my moments when I stay true the stereotypes, but shit; who don't like fried chicken and grape soda? (Stfu vegans/vegetarians). But I also have my moments where most would say I'm *clears throat* "acting white".

If it's enough to ruffle my haters' feathers then okay, I'll take that. ;)

Regardless, black people hating on black people to be accepted by white people is a paradox, a contradiction. Because, in the end, all you'll be left with is a crowd of smug african americans and un-impressed caucasians.

You won't win regardless homie, but you can at least soften the blow to your ego.

Much Love,


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