Differential: Division Nine

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Differential: Division Nine

When I woke up in the morning with a stupidly happy smile on my face and for a moment I couldn't remember why. Then the events of last night came back to me and I mentally slapped myself. How could I have forgotten the kiss?

I jumped out of bed, ready to face the day. I threw on a pair of faded blue jean shorts and a simple white tank top. I could already today was going to be a scorcher.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, using a rubber band from my wrist.

Lastly, I grabbed my silver dagger from the dresser, hooking it's case to my belt.

I was about to open the door when I heard a muffle curse and a long clatter.

I ran downstairs, thinking we were being attacked. Instead I found Seth attacking the stove.

"Curse this damn-!"

I leaned against the doorway, watching Seth try to stop the smoke billowing out from the oven. Eggs were everywhere, and a bowl lay on the floor. He was waving a towel at it when I cleared my throat, startling him.

"Oh thank God. A woman. Please help me. I have no idea was I'm doing."

I wanted to laugh at his pained expression, but instead I scowled at him.

"Sexist much?"

His face turned red, as he gestured to the appliance behind him.

"No! I just-it doesn't work. I was planning-and this damn stove!" He punctuated his sentence with a kick to the offending object. Seth turned back to me, letting out a huff, "Please?"

I was laughing now, as I walked over to the stove, hitting the off button as I coughed.

"What in the world possessed you to do this?" I asked as I pushed open the small window above the kitchen sink.

"I was trying to make breakfast!" He said defensively.

I grabbed a dish rag and swept up the eggs laying all over the floor.

"Ok, I take it back. You were right. You do need a woman. Otherwise you would starve."

"Hey!" Seth defended again, but now he was laughing too.

I was about to stand up when I saw mangled silverware siting on the floor. I glanced questioningly at it.

Seth shrugged, "Causuality of war."

By the end we were both laughing, faces red.

"Let's go into town. Get something decent to eat."

I nodded at Seth grabbed the keys. I thought we would of stayed here, being that we didn't want to attract attention. But hey, what harm could going to breakfast cause?

I should have known I would regret those words soon.


Seth parked on one of Fayetteville's only one way streets, and we got out of the car.

It turned out that Sunday mornings at the towns only diner were really busy. They told us there would be about an hour wait, and we decided to walk around the shops of the town until then.

Me being a girl, I forced Seth into a jewelry store, while I ohhhhed and ahhhed over the necklaces and earings. Seth and I laughed when he found a pair of earrings that were little suns. Sometime during our walking his hand had slipped into mine, and I reveled in its warmth.

We left the shop and crossed the street, entering an antique store.

We continued our little tour of the stores until it was time to eat, so we headed back. The sun beat down relentlessly and I closed my eyes, soaking in its energy.

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