I love you idiot

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Chuuya Nakahara toke a few sips from his wine glass and sighed. He was at his favorite bar, drowning his sadness and tears with his most favorite drink in the world. Sweet and pure wine. He groaned soon the bartender said they were going to close and he was forced to leave. He paid the bill and walked to the door almost dragging his feet, feeling more heavy than usual, and his eyes still puffy and red. He opened the door, his hat covering his eyes and looking down. He saw simple black shoes right in front of him and he look up already knowing who it was.
- What do you want Dazai? - Chuuya spoke with a dragged voice and low and sighed softly
- I want to know what was that all about... The Chuuya I know wouldn't start crying for no reason
- Well then you don't know me - The ginger one excuses himself and tried to walk away, but he was stopped by one strong bandaged arm.
- You're not leaving.. At least not away from me. Let's get back to the dorms please..
The shorter male narrowed his eyes angrily and shove his arm off and walk away in direction of a empty park. Dazai was about to talk to him, telling him  how childish he was to just run away from hard situations till Chuuya turn around and Osamu could swear he saw his beautiful blue eyes glowing at the dark.
- Follow me idiot - He march to the park, his legs waggling softly from the drunk state he was. He walked a few meters till he finally found a acceptable and not-graffiti bench and sit down there quickly, looking up to the stars.
Dazai smiled widely, seeing his partner sat down on the bench make him look shorter and... Adorable~ He sit down silently and take his hand in his quickly and gripped tightly like if he was going to run away.
- So... About that earlier.. I'm sorry if I made you cry but I think I deserve to know. After all you gave me confused signals for two whole weeks and knowing you, if I pick the other idea you probably would loose your shit - The brunette laughed softly to break the tension in the air and look to Chuuya with a kind smile - Why is it so hard to say what's on your mind Chuuya? I want to know, I love you so so much... I want to know what are your true feelings tow-..
- I love you too idiot - Chuuya cut him off with his simple confession and blushed madly, pulling his hat down and then look away.
Dazai couldn't be happier. He quickly hugged the small framed male and litter his cheeks with kisses
- I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!~ I'm so happy Chuuya... You're my smol and adorable boyfriend now - Dazai said happily, more happily than usual, making Nakahara blushing intensely and smile softly. But then the smile vanish quickly after when his partner said the word 'smol' even making him flinch and blushing even more.
- I'm n-not smol you bastard! - The ginger one whined softly and hide his face on his partner's chest - Can... Can we just go now? It's getting cold.
Osamu smiled widely feeling his lover shivering on his hold. He had left so quickly from his dorm that he forget his own black over coat. Chuuya's jaws were already shaking madly, Dazai could hear the soft sound of teeth hitting each other. He giggled softly and place his own overcoat on the male's shoulders and stand up right after, with his lover on his arms curled up like a cat. He couldn't stop smiling like a dork and placed a sweet kiss on his forehead.
- Let's get back to my dorm darling... There I will make you very, but very warm~
- I'm already scared.. - Nakahara muttered and wrapped his slender arms around the taller's neck - Let's just hurry.
- As you wish my love - Osamu chuckled softly and rushed back to the his place.


Next chapter would be the last one and it will have smut u.u so prepare yourselves~ Sorry for the short chapter though ><

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