Day 3

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O Gosh,this is the worst thing that could happened.... And it Did.
This is what happened. I went out with Kelly for "Back To School" shopping... We were out for about 3-4 hours.She came back to my place.When I and Kelly entered the house my Mom and Dad were sitting down and told us to still down and that they wanted to tell something important to both of us..Then my Mom gave Kelly and me this look that this was something really important..Then my parents dropped a BOMB..THAT MY FAMILY IS MOVING TO THIS PLACE CALLED LIVINGSTON... I immediately protested then my Dad also said he is brook and he had no choice but we have to start living a simple country life..I looked at Kelly and she looked at me,I and her pinched each other in hope we were dreaming he said we are going to leave next week Monday then Kelly said "But Mr.Wood,School starts next week Monday".Then my Mom said "I'm Sorry,Girls".I ran upstairs to my room then cryed for over an hour because Kelly came upstairs and tryed to hold back her tears,I could the tears flooding in the eyes...she just left and now I'm writing in here...I really don't know what's going to happen...Okay I will get some rest.....

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