Chapter 3: Echoing

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After what felt like a life time I heard the locket. I stood up surprised I didn't hear anything when the person neared the room but guessed it was because I was day-dreaming. But when I saw who entered something told me I would not have hear him even if I knew he was coming.

He was taller than me and had broad shoulders His hair were like a dark halo of black loops around his head. His icy grey eyes set on me as if he could uncover all my secrets with one glance.

We stared at each other for long minutes.

I felt draw to him. Like a moth to a flame. I knew he was dangerous. He was like me but he controlled it. He knew how to use it at his advantage. That was what made him even more mysterious and attractive.

— Hi.

His voice was clear and pleasant. It cut through the silence of the room without making me jump as would have done any other voice.

— Hi... I answered hesitantly. I'm Camille.

— Yeah I know.

He was still staring openly at me and I started to feel uncomfortable.

— Ah, was all I could say.

— And I'm Edwin. Sorry I thought Dalilah talked about me.

— She did not. The way she talked... I thought I was the only one.

He smiled and approached to sit on the chair next to my bed.

— We are much more. Here in Behemoth there is five of our kind beside us.

— How is it possible? Erik said we were rare to wake up.

He smiled dropped and he looked uneasy.

— Err... Me and the others are not exactly like you. We were born the way we are. We are vampires by birth.

The word was said. But it did not seems to include me.

— There is many different type of us. I will explain all the similarity and difference to you. The one born with the need to feed of blood, those who awake only when they reach their teen's year. Some that age and other that are nearly immortal. And the transformed. Not any vampire can change a human. And even with the ability and venom it does not work every time. Being transformed is already a rare event, being in control soon after the change is just... Very unheard of.

— So I'm an oddity?

The smile was back on his face.

— You could say it like that, but it would be better to call you original and unique.

I laughed.

He pulled a bag I did not remarked on his knee and opened it.

— I came to give you that. I thought you would like to feed with the help of someone who know how to do it.

The first name of this chapter was Similar. But I changed it to match the serie of titles I gave to the next chapters. What do you think about that?

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