Chapter 10: Settle Down

Start from the beginning

"That's so thoughtful of you, Matt." Andrea longingly placed a kiss on his head and it made him smile with content.

"You have a big heart, patatino. I'm so proud of you." I added and his smile widened even more.

"Then I have to make my heart bigger so it can be as biiiiiiiiig as yours and mamma!"

I had no response to that, to be honest. In my twenty-odd something years existing, I had been unable to reply to something as deep and as pure like what Matt had said and it warms my heart.

"What would you like to watch, Matt?" Andrea asked Matt and the little boy's eyes sparkled with delight.

"Disney movies!"

Andrea and I looked at each other and laughed because we were pretty much expecting that answer from Matt.

"Okay, we have 101 Dalmatians, Tarzan-"

"I want to watch Mulan or Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin or-"

"Okay, buddy. Let's try watching it one after another, okay?" I chuckled because it was my turn to stop him from finishing his sentence and he just grinned at me.

What my family wants, my family gets.

Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin it is.

I have to hand it to the kid though. For a little boy to actually choose Disney movies that revolves around princesses is amazing.

When some minutes passed, I looked at Andrea and saw her staring at Matt with love radiating out of her and she turned at me with a smile plastered on her breathtakingly beautiful face.

I love you, she mouthed and I winked at her which earned a giggle.

With Matt on the floor, Andrea and I were cuddling and watching him immerse himself in the movie, even saying a few lines here and there and my favorite part of the movie will be the part where Mulan started singing and going on and about the grounds of her house and we can hear Matt humming along to the song.

"I find it so cute he's humming along to Reflection." Andrea whispered and I nodded. This kid is different from other little boys and I'm so proud because I get to call him my son.

Finished with the movie, Margaret, our housekeeper, announced that she had prepared lunch and asked if we wanted to eat in the living room and continue watching more movies and Matt eagerly replied a "Yes, please!" which caused Andrea and I to laugh.

Of course after eating and watching Mulan, he had to pretend like he was one of the emperor's protector and started goofing around while watching Beauty and the Beast at the same time. He settled soon enough when the princess started singing in a field full of dandelions and acted like her. I almost choked on my stroganoff witnessing that moment, trying to stifle my laughter.

By the end of the day, I feel like I had watched enough of Disney princesses because Andrea joined Matt singing and acting while watching six movies. Six!

I never thought I'd see the day that I would actually sit in front of a television and watch something else aside from news and it's Disney, at that.

"I love watching Disney movies!" Matt giggled and we just hugged him as we make conversation over our dinner.

"You mean Disney princess movies, buddy?" I teased and Andrea slapped the bottom of my head.

"Don't tease him for liking princesses!" Andrea admonished which caused our son to laugh at what he is seeing.

"It reminds me of the happy times in the orphanage. There are more girls so they win and we are forced to watch it but then we would sing and act, too." Matt explained and I felt guilty for making a remark about it.

"I'm sorry for teasing you, Matt."

"It's okay, papà! It's true and I like singing and dancing and acting like in the movies!" Matt excitedly exclaimed.

"We have an artist in our hands, tesoro." I smiled at Andrea and she smiled back.

"We sure do, love."


A/N: hi yes hello 

how is everyone??? i hope you enjoyed this sweet sweet sweet chapter just as much as i loved writing it hehe

make sure to vote, okay? and of course, don't forget to comment! i love reading what you thought about the chapter hehehe

see you in the next chapter, my lovely readers!

kat x

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