Chapter 1

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Katniss point of view

The woods were silent. My head was pounding. Today was the day that my prep team and my old escort Effie were coming. Today was the first day of the Victory Tour.

I saw a squirrel and half heartedly shot an arrow at it. The arrow buried its self into the target.

Ever since I had come home alive from the 74th annual Hunger Games I had lived in a world of depression after loosing Peeta in the games.


It was Cato, Peeta and myself. We were standing on the roof of the cournocopia. Cato had an iron like grip round Peeta's throat. I knew that if I shot an arrow at Cato he would take Peeta with him. I heard the angry mutation dogs barking and growling below the cournocopia. I couldn't concentrate. I noticed Peeta pointing carefully to the piece of skin on Cato's hand between his thumb and finger. I knew what I had to do. But it was too late. Cato yanked his hands, twisting Peeta's neck instantly breaking it. I scream.

Peeta's cannon goes of. Cato is laughing like a crazy man. Before slipping in the pool of Peeta's blood. As Cato fell off the side and the mutts gouged his throat. I heard his cannon go off.

end of flashback

I make my way slowly back to the high fence surrounding district 12, my home.

I listen for the tell tale humm of the electricity that is ment to be charged throughout the fence 24/7 but as usual it is off.

I slip under the fence and make my way slowly into the town.

I hoist my gamebag up higher as I make my way into the Hob. The large warehouse sized building that used to be used to store the coal we mined. It had long since been converted into the black market of District 12. This was where I made most of my trades. I went over to Greasy Sae's stall first. She always had hot warm soup. Today it looked like bean and squirrel. I speak to the head peacekeeper Cray for a while before trading him a couple of squirrels for a few coins. Of course I had enough of them. After winning the games I received a lot of money and food.

I then make my way to Ripper's stall. To buy some more white liqueur. It's not for me. It's for Haymitch. My mentor from my time in the games. He has become a fatherly figure to me. Even though he is as drunk as a skunk half the time.

I make my way slowly onwards towards Victors Village. It's my home now. I would rather be back in the seam. But since I won I had to move here.

I open the door and take my shoes off.


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