They find out your a mutant (1)

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You were walking through the garden of the Institute. You held a book in hand when you saw your best friend logan sitting by a tree staring down a squirrel. You couldn't help but giggle as you walked over. You watched as the squirrel crawled from logan's knee to your lap. You petted it softly and said "well now is the mighty wolverine not an animal person?"

Logan rolled his eye's before stating "animals are okay. But, the little ones are what get to me, bub."

You giggled and said to the little guy "don't mind him sweetie. He's just grumpy because Jean didn't talk to him yet today".

Logan had a faint blush on his face as he yelled "hey!" Before chasing after you. You laughed as he chased after you knowing he wasn't going his normal speed or he would have caught you by now.

Your squirrel friend then climbed a tree and you forgetting that logan didn't know of your abilities had climbed the tree as well using your nails. Logan stopped in his tracks and his eye's widened "Y/N?"

You laughed in victory before realizing what you just did and shrunk into the trees leaves "yes logan" you said ashamed for hiding this from him.

"Are you a squirrel?"



You were in the training room with a younger Charles Xavier when the new student Scott summers came in. Professor looked towards the door to see his friend Alex and his brother Scott standing in the doorway.

"Alex." Professor greeted as he wheeled over to the former X-man. Alex grinned and said "hey Charles. Scott wanted to see the training room today. His first session starts tomorrow."

You looked at Scott summers with an eyebrow raised and he only gave you a charming smirk making you scoff and look off towards the professor.

Charles laughed lightly "well this will be your first demonstration. My student here Y/N is training now would you like to watch."

You put a hand on your hip "yeah Scott. Watch the training maybe you could learn a thing or two" you said with a smirk.

He scoffed with a grin before sitting back and watching with his brother.

You turned towards your targets and focused on then intently before bringing your hands up towards your hips and felt pressure build up into your hands before it all released.

Scott watched in shock and in awe as two energy blasts sword through the air into a target blowing it up into peices.

You turned toward your professor and bowed lowly where you come from you show your elders and teachers with respect.

You walked out of the training room only giving Scott a small glance before exiting.

Scott could only say "shhhhiii..."



You and hank were in the lab fixing up some kind of dangerous chemical. Hank was holding a tube of a green liquid with giggles on as his face was dangerously close to the container.

You were watching closely. you and hank spent weeks on the serum which could cure a rare mutant sickness that was spreading across the mutant population. Not really, but if that did happen you both would be ready to save countless lives.

That's when quicksilver decided to speed into the lab accidentally causing hank to drop more than three drops of the serum into the container.

Hank moved backwards and put you behind him "uh oh. This much can cause the whole school to blow up! I have to call the professor before it's to late."

Hank took your hand and started running towards the phone in the lab "professor! We have to get everyone o....Y/N! Get away from there!"

You walked towards the shaking and bubbling container calmly before picking it up making hank drop the phone in shock "Y/N drop it! You'll die if you...".

He was cut off by the container exploding and he covered his eye's quickly before uncovering them and looking into the massive debris "Y/N!" He cried out and tears started pooling in his eye's.

Then, the explosion started to die down and become smaller as if it was being absorbed. That's when he saw you holding an exploding bubble in your hand before it was suckered into your body.

You then smiled at him nervously and said "hi".

He then fell backwards and with a thud hit the ground.

The phone was still on the ground and you stood in silence to shocked at hanks fall to do anything until you ran over and helped him up.

"Hello? Hank? Why does everyone need to get out? Is it another field trip?"

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