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Yoh had told me that he was going to try to convince the spirit from last night to become his spirit partner so I decided I'd head out to find my own spirit partner

So far my search has lead me to an old abandoned battle field that I doubt people even know exists and there I found an old sword in the ground that seemed to act as a grave marker I can't explain the reason I was here I just followed this feeling I felt deep down in my soul and that feeling lead me here to this old battered sword it looked like an old Japanese long sword

So far my search has lead me to an old abandoned battle field that I doubt people even know exists and there I found an old sword in the ground that seemed to act as a grave marker I can't explain the reason I was here I just followed this feeling...

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"Shadow Flame" I read on the inscription on a sheath tied to the hilt of the blade "interesting name for a sword" I said touching the hilt

She looked down at me with deep purple eyes as she smoked her pipe

"My name is Yuki Asakura I'm a shaman" I said calmly

"a shaman huh what brings you here?" the woman asked

"well first off do you mind if I ask your name?" I asked

"Sora Kumori" the woman said calmly

"nice to meet you is this your sword?" I asked lifting the sword from the ground

"yes it is now put it back" Sora said calmly

"so you're a samurai?" I asked

"yes I was also a ninja, I used to be one of the best both with a sword and in my skills as a ninja, I could combine my skills and even use jutsu in order to control different elements" Sora said looking up at the sky calmly

"why don't you become my guardian ghost?" I said smiling

"huh?" sora said confused

"yeah you could partner up with me and I could even get this sword fixed up" I said smiling

"hn you fix my sword and prove yourself worthy I'll join you" sora said crossing her arms

"good come on I got to get to a work" I said running towards town to find a way to fix the sword

When I got home it had already been a day but when yoh got home he seemed to be deep in thought that he didn't mind me as I headed to the back where I kept some equipment for I love swords and making them from time to time and even fixing some up in fact I've fixed up tons of old swords for collectors and made money off of it so I have plenty of money in my checking account.

"what do you think Sora" I asked as sora inspected the blade

"not half bad kid" she said surprised as she blew out a bit of smoke from her pipe

"now you said something about proving myself what do you want me to do?" I asked with my hands behind my head as the sword was on the floor

"now you said something about proving myself what do you want me to do?" I asked with my hands behind my head as the sword was on the floor

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