Pool date gone wrong

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After Veronica and Ryan left.

Troy was very confused he did not know what to do. Everything happened so fast. So he just ran to the  pool.

'Sorry I'm late! Just give me a few more minutes!' Troy told her.

'Nice tie. Shoes don't match, though.'Gabriella told him.

He looked down worried.

Gabriella giggled.  He ran away to change.

Taylor came in.

'Honey, ten minutes is being late......but an hour is approaching a felony.' Taylor told Gabriella.

'We just talked about having dinner. No big deal.' Gabriella told her.

Just because Troy is a nice guy, doesn't mean he's immune to boy disease.' Taylor told her.

'Boy disease?' Gabriella questioned.

'Forgetting things he shouldn't forget.' Taylor explained like it was the most obvious thing on the planet.

'So now you're a boy expert?' Gabriella asked.

'My older sister has ten rules about boy behavior, and nine involve boys forgetting things they shouldn't forget, like dinner dates.' Taylor told her.

'It wasn't an official date type of thing.' Gabriella told her.

'Rule three: All dates are official, whether the boy knows it or not. Chad and I are going for pizza with Zeke, Matt and Jason. I think Martha and Kelsi are going to meet us. Veronica and Ryan are...you know... So let's go......' Taylor told her.

'I'll meet you there. Troy will probably want to come, too.' Gabriella told her.
In the kitchen with Troy & Mr. Fulton

'Don't clock out, Bolton.' Mr.Fulton told him.

'But I'm done for the day, sir.' Troy told him.

'Evidently not. Your presence is required in the ballroom.' Mr.Fulton told him.


Troy sat in chair

'What the heck?' Tory was confused.

Sharpay and the Sharpettes appear on the stage


A long time ago in a land far away
Lived the pineapple princess, Tiki.
She was sweet as a peach, in a pineapple way,

Sharpette #2:
But so sad that she hardly speaky.
Still, if you listen well,
You'll hear her secret wish.


Aloha everybody, my name is Tiki!

I long to free a truly remarkable fish
My sweet prince.

Makihiki malahini-who
Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu.


Girls the fog?

Shapette #3:

She dreams of a boy who is under a spell
That has left him all wet and scaly.


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