Shooting from his now oddly comfortable bed, he raced to the shower in nothing but a pair of boxers. "Eew! Jackson!" His younger sister whined from behind him. He turned to see a little girl with dark brown curls spilling out of a sloppy up-do and a hand covering her eyes. "Get dressed you disgusting creature!" He grinned. She was just so adorable. He reached down, grabbing her childish cheeks in his fingers. He squeezed them gently. She hated that, a lot. A low growl rose in her throat, fury sparkling in her pretty brown eyes. "I am going to get you!" She screeched like a banshee. Jackson's eyes widened as she lunged towards him, arms outstretched and claws drawn. He bolted for the big bathroom, closing the door behind him and locking it.

She shrieked in frustration. "Sorry Charlie!" He joked. His sister's name was Charlotte Marie Smith and she was about to turn ten in a month. She was the most energetic, athletic and the smartest child that Jackson had ever met. She was really pretty and people often commented on her looks saying that one day, she was going to be a heartbreaker. In all honesty, she probably would be.

He was trying to the best of his ability to ignore her tiny hands banging on the thin, wooden bathroom door. Unfortunately, it wasn't working at all. "Jackson!" She yelled. "Get out of the bathroom you big scaredy cat!"

Jackson cracked a grin. She was just so pleasant. Note the sarcasm. Charlotte was adorable but extremely annoying at times. Jackson had heard that most siblings were worse and he silently thanked the lord that he had not been stuck with one of the snooty ones, but she was horrible sometimes.

He was ripped from his deep thoughts by his phone ringing. Unfortunately, it was in his bedroom. Shit! Jackson pressed his ear to the door, listening for the soft pitter patter of tiny feet. There wasn't any. He twisted the lock, opening the door gingerly. Nobody was outside so he snuck into his bedroom, still wearing nothing except his boxers. He looked at the screen of his silver iPhone 6S and was shocked to see that 'Chassy' was calling him.

"Hello?" His voice must have betrayed his concern and confusion because a response came immediately.

"Jackson!" She sounded frantic and he heard things breaking and slamming against the floor in the background. "Help me!" She shrieked. That is when the line went blank. Jackson stood there, stunned. What the hell! He had just had a dream that night about her being taken away from him, it was a dream come true. Or a Nightmare. Breaking himself out of his stupor, he lunged for a pair of jeans, not even caring whether they were clean or not.

Two minutes later, he was in his truck, tires peeling out of the driveway. Anxiety and overall terror had consumed him. "Hold on Chasity, I'm coming." His voice was barely more than a whisper.

When he had finally pulled into her driveway, he was fully expecting to see an explosion of some sort or even a white creeper van parked out front. He was not expecting it to look exactly the same as it had every day. It was the same Victorian Style, brown house with vaulted ceilings and walls of just windows. In other words it was a really nice house. Jackson pulled the keys from the ignition, pulling the lever to his door and stepped out carefully. "Chasity!" He called.

Suddenly, Chasity walked outside in a very familiar silver cocktail dress. "Hello love!" She purred seductively. He had to admit that she looked ravishing, draped against the wall in her strapless gown. Her hair had been stylishly pinned back in a glittering swirl of chocolate brown. Her long, graceful neck was on full display and her collarbones were completely exposed. The dress was fitted to fit her slim figure, her large breasts were spilling from the top of her gown, down a little the dress was fitted to her slender waist before flaring out in a glittering waterfall of silver. She looked heavenly. Jackson had to admit that the makeup was a bit much but she still looked gorgeous.

My Knight in Shining Denim #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now