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Triglav is the higest mountain in Slovenia and also in the Alps. So we own the highest peak in central Europe.

Also side note:
There is a saying that if you are a true Slovenian you must climb on top of Triglav to prove you can do it.

Triglav means "the three headed god" and it's and acient slavic god that had three heads and  he was the strongest
of the Slavic gods. Get it cuz Triglav the mountain has three peaks.

You literally see the coast and the sea from Triglav.

On the top of the highest peak is a tower called the Aljaž tower. And this Aljaž guy was the fist one to ever climb the mountain and after that he made his tower up there for reminder he was there.

There are expeditions every year to Triglav just to prove you can become a true slovenian.

I've never been on top of Triglav. You shouldn't be reading this book...

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