Plane Crasher

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~Angels pov*

It all started when me and my friend wanted some aspirin. I didn't really mean to do what i did it just sort of happened. Then again things like that happen everyday, but it's not like you can just press a remote controller and redo the hole event. Nope things don't work that way so on i go with my shitty depressing life. In reality i should have died in the accident considering i caused it. Nope i have to go on in life with that on my's just to bad i don't have one. I guess i should start by telling you what happened. Uncensored of course.

It was kind of a dark and stormy day(how original). My friend Jessie and i were on our way to  Afghanistan. It wasn't are brightest idea, but oh well We aren't the brightest people so i guess it fits.

Oh let me tell you this the plane ride was like a plane straight into hell. The plane ride overall you ask? Shitty. We ended up in the loudest most cramped part of the plane. Of course we were suppose to fly first class, well that didn't happen. 

Jessie wasn't particularly happy about this and neither was i. I don't know why or how but some how we got seated next to the most annoying people on the plane. This only added to my aggravation and my headache.

So among the people i was forced to be seated by, one of the most annoying was this brat who was kicking my chair. It wasn't just some soft little baby kicks either no they were like monster kicks from hell. Oh and it wasn't just the kicks either no, this brat was making the most annoying noises ever. Kind of like he was choking a turkey or fucking it. Or both? Which ever one works for me there both just as annoying. For those of you who don't know what that sounds like lets just say your lucky and leave it at that.

besides the obnoxious kid their was also this man who was eating KFC chicken. The man appeared to be in his forties. It was kind of hard to tell though considering he must have weighed at least a good four to six hundred pounds. Why did i find him so unpleasant you ask? Well him eating chicken wasn't so bad. but i was pretty ticked off having to be squished between him and a wall. And if that wasn't bad enough every time he finished a piece of chicken i would have to listen to him gnaw on the bone. Oh and when he was done gnawing on the bone he would sit there snapping it into little pieces. Oh and besides the aggravating little brat and the chicken guy there was this guy who smelled as if he hadn't showered in a couple of months. 

And the people Jessie was sitting next to weren't much better. She was sitting next to a group of mimes. And that's the other thing they  didn't even seat us next to each other. I guess that's to be expected though. How often when you get on a plane do you get to sit next to someone you know.

I guess it just wasn't my day...It never is. At this point in time i had a pounding monster headache. And from the look on Jessie's face she did to. We both got out of our seats and headed for our luggage for some aspirin and hopefully some relief from our headaches.

"Hey Jessie" i said in a way aggravated voice.

"Hey Megan" Jessie said back looking just as aggravated.

"Got a headache?" i asked Jessie.

"Yeah, what about you?" she replied back.


"Wanna find some aspirin?" Jessie asked.

"Of course."

We started to walk toward our luggage when the flight attendant stopped us.

"Excuse me" the flight attendant said in a snooty tone.

"What do you want?" i snapped at her.

"Well your not suppose to be moving about the plane " she replied.

"That sucks well there's a lot of things I'm not suppose to do but that doesn't stop me, I'm going to move about the plane anyway so go fuck yourself."

"OK first of all that was rude and second of all please go back to your seats."

"Fuck you lady" i said as i pushed her so me and Jessie could get through.

"Shes such a uptight bitch" said Jessie.

"Yep now lets find some aspirin."

Unfortunately she didn't leave us alone. She just kept nagging us, i swear i'm gonna snap if she doesn't just walk right now. And of course my mental cussing didn't get her to leave, so i decided to change my tactics.

"Please go back to your seats" she said.

I could tell she was starting to get annoyed. And of course i decided to push my luck and see what happens when she gets pushed to her limits.

"Why?" i finally replied back.

"Because your not supposed to be moving about the plane" she replied looking like she was about to snap.

"Why don't you just fucking leave us alone and fucking just walk away" i said with a bored of the world expression.

"PLEASE FUCKING RETURN TO YOUR SEATS" she said as she pepper sprayed Jessie. which only pissed me off. I mean come on i was the one cussing her off and Jessie is the one who gets pepper fair.

And that's when i tackled her beat the shit out of her stole her pepper spray then proceeded to spray her. And some how i don't know how but i managed to pepper spray her to death. Where was Jessie when i was killing the flight attendant you ask? Well she was standing next to me laughing. Awesome friend right? Anyway i don't know how but nobody seemed to notice the dead flight attendant on the floor. Nope nobody noticed but me and Jessie...weird huh? I guess nobody liked her. just to be on the safe side we decided to walk away before anyone notices. And of course we left the body where it was. We were to busy getting back to our aspirin search to really care. And to make things worse we couldn't find any aspirin in our luggage. After we checked our luggage we proceeded to check everyone else's luggage. Was this legal? eh probably not but once again it's not like i really care. So on we went with our aspirin search.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2012 ⏰

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