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If you're given chance to choice this option what will you do?

- Destroy the world to save the one that you love?


- Kill your love ones to save the world.

There are some cases when people would choose the latter because there are some who prefer themselves to be called a hero or ally of justice and there are some cases where people will not hesitate to destroy the world just to save his love ones. Anyway this is just some of the hypothesis question and it's not like it will be bothering you but i cannot stop wondering if this situation came true.

If you were to ask me what will i choose?

Destroying the world sounds like a huge chore so i will just ignore it and i have no love ones left in this world but

That is change when i met her.

Yes although it may sounds a bit cliche but everything changes when i met her. Her existence is like a light to me because she guided me when i fall into the darkness, her hands though a bit rough and unlady-like still holds on to me, her eyes contains life but no reflection can be seen from within still she can saw my love for her, her voice although it may sounds a little hoarse i still find it to be cute.

If i weren't met her, i will be continue on hating the world and because of her my beliefs drastically change too.

My Ideals

My Existence

In the past, i cannot even bring my foot outside my 'house' but then she came and then she take me away although many happen along the way i would say that i will not regret leaving my house and then after that i came to love the world.

The world that full of living things and composed of truth and lies. I came to understand them and in the end, i could say it with certain that i have loved the world.

So, If you're given chance to choice this option what will you do?

- Destroy the world to save the one that you love?


- Kill your love ones to save the world.

There are some cases when people would choose the latter because there are some who prefer themselves to be called a hero or ally of justice and there are some cases where people will not hesitate to destroy the world just to save his love ones. Anyway this is just some of the hypothesis question and it's not like it will be bothering you but i cannot stop wondering if this situation came true.

If you were to ask me what will i choose?

My answer is ...

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