chapter 2: the dramatic reunion

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I was so busy looking at the random vampire next to me i never saw Marcel super speed to me. "oh lord" my body jolting under the speed and weight. " you're here you're actually here" I feel Marcel crying on my shoulder. " Ofcourse Marcelly smelly i would always come back" I squeeze him so tight I fear he may be strangled.He steps back and puts his hands on my shoulders" look at you your all grown up andI missed it" he pulls me back in his arms.

"Alright let to share mate we missed her to" Jackson said stepping forward and pulling me into his arms from marcels and squeezes me tight. " oh Jackson I missed you so much" I hug him back tightly. Im so glad to be back home and away from that horrible place.I was passed around to everyone being reacquainted and getting the constant 'its great to have you back' and 'we missed you very much' ofcourse marcel never left my side and i definitely didnt want him too. 

Eventually marcel pulled me to a group of people i've never seen before " Lucy I would like you meet the mikaelsons" Marcel said while gesturing to the group of very attracrive people. i stood there with my mouth hanging open, Marcel chuckled and put a finger to my chin and pushed it closed." you'll catch flies" I blushed " im sorry it just your all very attractive "  i said while being a sputtering mess. They all looked rather shocked at my response marcel chuckled " dont boost thir egos" he said while chuckling " this is Elijah" he gestured to the very attractive brunette man in a suit " hello pleasure to meet you" he said as i raised my hand to shake his he turned it over and gave me kiss on the back of it. "and his younger brother Klaus" he gestured the sexy smirking blonde with amazing eyes" hello love" i tell ya ive never blushed so bad." ofcourse you cant forget their lovely younger sister Rebecka" the gorgeous blonde who made me look like a trash panda. " hello lovely to meet you im sure". i just  looked at her like she was a gooddess and i a simple commoner. 

Marcel starts chuckling he wraps an arm around my shoulder " common Lucy we need to talk". I could feel the stares as we walked away before we got to far away i turned and motioned for Jackson. " come on Jack you need to hear this aswell."  he followed close behind i waited for him to come next to me to continue walking. Marcel on my left and Jackson on my right i knew i was safe. We alked to the study and closed the big oak doors. Jackson sat down on of the seats and Marcel sat me down in the other one and he himself was leaning against the big wooden desk. " okay i know you both want to know what happened but first you have to promise not toget mad okay.?" Marcel scoffed loudly " you want us to not get mad when you tell us the story of why you have been missing the last 6 years?" Jackson put his head in his hands silently. " yes please i know its hard but please for me just try not to get mad."i said while doing the puppy dog eyes. Marcel being the drmatic little vampire he is gave a dramatic sigh " oH alright just tell us what happened to you." i sighed and played nervously with my dress "okay well.........."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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