Chapter 1: The Now

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{ this is a new grester story that i've sort of had in my head for a while, i suppose it's sorta like a bunch of linked one shots throughout their relationship. it's going to start here and go back to previous events in their life before possibly continuing from here... anyways, here goes nothing! }

If someone had told me when I met Chester that by aged 35 I would be married to him with one child and another on the way I would've recoiled in horror. The idea of caring for others before myself and being responsible for their lives would have sent me into a series of minor panic attacks. But now, looking back, I realise that I had nothing to be scared of; Margo was a first time baby just like I was a first time mum, we were both inexperienced in this new *job*. Baby number two was more controlled (or at least his conception was for me) and perhaps he will be the easy child. Alternatively, he may take after his sister and follow in her footsteps which to be brutally honest weren't great but compared to other stories I'd heard they certainly weren't the worst.

Looking back at our history together I can understand what caused us to go through rocky stages in our relationship (the majority of which were my fault for being ignorant, selfish or just a straight up bitch about things). Since, I have learnt to listen and be more open to ideas and opportunities. But, equally, I can tell what brought us together and why we stuck together at all times. Our life off the internet was, I'm sure, different to what everyone thought; despite being "allergic to human touch" I welcomed hugs, cuddles and snuggles on the sofa with Chester wrapped around me. In real life we were unedited; on the internet I was frigid towards him. For me, showing affection on YouTube was a sign of weakness rather than an act of loving kindness.

{ also, sorry this one is a bit short its more of a prelude to let you know whats happening }

F xx

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