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We needed a way out
We needed it now
We had to

The buzz of darts overhead echoed through the clearing, and I caught the distinct sound of beaming at least five times. We needed to get out of here and fast. I turned to Ronon and saw the anger and frustration in his eyes. I glanced around the clearing before looking back to Ronon and nodding. A frown creased his forehead as he wondered what I was going to do. I turned to John.

"John, where is your ship?"

John turned to me, concentration marring his face.

"It's hidden,  just near the gate."

I nodded again, catching a glimpse of Ronon from the corner of my eye as comprehension slowly dawned on his face.

"Ok, everyone run to your ship, and don't stop, no matter what. Thank you for your help."

I turned and started to head across the clearing, heading in the opposite direction of the gate, when John reached out and grabbed my arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I pulled my arm from his grip and stepped back.

"Repaying the favour."

I turned and headed out before he could try and stop me. I could hear him calling my name as I ran, but I blocked it out by shooting the wraith blaster in the air, trying to draw attention to myself. It seemed to work as I could hearing crashing sounds through the forest heading towards me, coming from a couple of different directions. Glancing back, I could see John running behind Rodney and Teyla, shadowing Carson as they headed in he direction of the gate. I couldn't see Ronon, but assumed he was leading them away. I bolted down a narrow path between the trees, continuing to make unnecessary noise, just in case.

Now that I had their attention on me, I headed to another clearing, wanting room to fight the wraith. I wasn't worried about taking on possibly five wraith by myself. I had done it before, and now I had even more reason to fight. I had my life and freedom back. There was no way I was going to lose this one.

Just before I could reach the clearing, a wraith soldier darted out in front of me, waving his blaster around and leaving himself completely unprotected. As he ran towards me, lowering his blaster to shoot, I ran straight towards him, pulling out my dagger. I ducked under his arm and drove my blade up as I ran past him. There was a gurgle then a thud as he dropped his weapon and fell to his knees, blood gushing from the deadly wound I'd just delivered. I left him there to die as I entered the clearing,  only to find two wraith already waiting for me. I skidded to a stop as I heard footsteps behind me and knew I was blocked in. Alright, so this is how they wanted to do it. I could work with this.

I unsheathed a smaller dagger from my hip quietly as I spoke loudly to distract them.

"So you really think you can capture me? You do remember what has happened every other time, right? Over the last seven years, how many times have I been caught? You poor bastards, what did you do to be sent on this suicide mission?!"

Their leader stepped forward and his harsh tone sent shivers fown my spine.

"You will die here, runner. This I promise you."

I raised both of my arms to shoulder level, palms out, displaying my two knives.

"Bring it!"

Before they could react, I raised my right arm above my head and threw the smaller dagger with precision, and watched it lodge in the leader's skull with satisfaction. I glanced behind me to judge how much time I had before the wraith soldiers caught me. They were still at the edge of the clearing, so I turned back to face the wraith who was looking down at his leader in dismay. He looked back up at me and bared his teeth in a snarl that echoed around me. I grinned at him and held my hand up, gesturing for him to come and get me. Before he could move however, there was a loud crash to the left and then Ronon emerged from the treeline in a blur, crashing into the wraith and pinning him down. He got in two swift punches before the wraith pushed him off and scrambled to his feet. The wraith rasied his arm to strike but was unable to as Ronon jumped behind him and drove a knife into his back. Blood bubbled at the corner of his mouth as he looked down to see the blade sticking out of his chest. Ronon pulled his knife out and let the wraith crumble to the ground, stepping over him towards me with a smirk.

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