Ch. 2 - Kendrick

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The crowded town was not the best place to be. Most every other commoner hustled and bustled to get a single glimpse of the Crown Princess. Her Royal Highness.
But not Kendrick. He knew there was no point. She wouldn't pay attention anyway. He saw her sour face, her carelessness for his level of society. She thought nothing of them. They were not worthy of her time.
And Kendrick was more than aware of what that meant for his future. Dull. Bleak. Hopeless. Not that there was any hope now days. If you were born a commoner, you were a commoner, sentenced to a life of hard labor and poverty. There was no changing it.
Kendrick walked along the dirt path, alone. He could hear the gleeful chants of his fellow towns people from a block away. Shaking his head, he pushed forward. They were just waisting their time.
Eventually he made it back to the little farmhouse he called home. Nobody was inside, of course. His brothers and even his parents were cheering the Princess on in the town square. Again, Kendrick shook his head.
Why do they give her so much praise? He wondered. She's so self-obsorbed, she'd never notice them anyways.
He grabbed his father's hoe and bag of seeds that he'd left on the kitchen table and left the house.
Once he was back outside, he noticed that the town had quieted down. The Princess must have gotten bored and left her parade.
He turned up the road and slowly made his way to the farm grounds, where he could finish the seeds and maybe, just maybe, it would please his father.
The thought comforted him. Kendrick couldn't remember ever pleasing his father. The man was hardy and rough, always praising his three oldest sons. So Kendrick was left in the shadows. His brothers were natural farmers, with the ability to lift anything, tame any horse, plant and grow any crop, and properly harvest the produce.
Kendrick was simply not good enough. He was strong, but he always seemed to mess up the seeds and as a result, his crops never grew. His father had tried to teach him how to harvest the produce, but Kendrick had messed that up too. So, he'd been the shame of the family. The farmer boy who can't farm. He'd been such a disappointment, his father had banished him from the fields, to take care of the livestock instead.
But Kendrick had been studying. He had learned how to plant and harvest his crops. And now was his chance to prove himself.
He'd gotten so lost in thought, he never noticed the carriage storming up behind him.
"'Ey, kid!" One of the guards yelled. "Get out of the way!"
Surprised, Kendrick jumped off the dirt road. He'd done so just in time. The carriage raced past him nearly a second later.
With a dreaded feeling, he realized they would have run him over. He watched in silence as the carriage rolled on, disappearing into the forest.
"Royal scum," he muttered as he stood, making his way to the feilds again.

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