I said “Well then don’t lie to me and keep things from me.”

He frowned and said “I am only doing it for your safety as well as our pups. Please understand that I need you guys safe and knowing that you are at risk could jeopardize everything I am trying to do.”

I shrugged and went back over and sat in the chair and started rocking myself I felt myself getting tired I was hungry but more tired from the feeding. I felt Jake lift me up but I was too tired to protest I just let my eyes close and welcomed the darkness.

Jake POV

Why couldn’t she understand all I wanted to do was protect her and our pups we had a lead that there were rouges working with hunters to try and attack some of packs but we weren’t sure if they would come here. We had our boarders covered with three times the guards we usually have just in case they did try we would be prepared. We also had some connections with some witches in hopes that we could better protect our boarders. But nothing was completed yet and then when she woke up and said the moon goddess had told her something was going to happen we knew that it might be a possibility that they would come. After I laid her down I laid next to her and pulled her close I couldn’t believe she was upset with me and was going to sleep away from me. My wolf was not going to let that happen I had to bring her with me  I know she might not be happy about it when she wakes but I had to have her with me and I heard her wolf purring so I knew that maybe she would help her too. I fell asleep so after making sure I pulled her close to me and enjoyed the feel of my mate in my arms.

I woke with a start not feeling her in my arms me and my wolf started to panic until I heard singing coming from the room across the hall I got up and walked to the door and leaned against the door. She was holding both of the pups again and feeding them, I knew it took a lot out of her so I went over and kissed them all on the forehead and said “I will make breakfast and bring it to you in a few minutes I know what feeding them did to you last night and you need your strength.”

She looked up at me and smiled weakly and said “That would be nice, thank you.”

I said “Anything for you my love.”

I walked down and cleaned up from last night and started on breakfast I remembered all those times I would have to make something when I was in school because my parents were so busy so I prided myself on my ability to cook. Once I had everything done I had made eggs, bacon and biscuits, I plated everything up and took hers up to her I found her in the babies room still in the chair with both pups sleeping and she looked like she was drained. Sitting the plates down I moved to take the pups and put them in their bed and lifted her up and took her to our room and went back for our food and she was barely awake I said “Come on baby you need to eat something.”

She just nodded and dug in after a few minutes she had cleaned her plate and was already asleep. I just shook my head I knew she needed help but she wouldn’t ask for anything.

I put our plates away and called my mom to ask her if she knew anyone that might be able to help Nikki with everything and she said that since she was breastfeeding it would be hard but she could find someone with a pump and that she could also help out with other things around the house.

I went back up to our room and just looked at her from the doorway she was the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on. I heard one of the babies starting to move around so I went in and to my surprise it was Shay, I picked her up and started rocking her but I noticed she was looking over at her brother so it only felt right to lay them together and the minute I did I saw them touch hands and she nestled into him and was right back to sleep I saw Nate smile in his sleep. I was enjoying the view when I heard a knock on the front door so I went to see who it was only to find one of the omega’s Veronica at the door she bowed her head and said “The Luna said for me to come help you and your mate.”

I nodded and said “Yea come on in, I am not sure what Nikki was working on with the housework or anything but I know we need some help with it and meal times. Did you happen to know if there is a…umm…pump to maybe help out with?”

She giggled and said “Yes, sir. I have one as well just have her pump from now on and it would help out and I can help with the feedings too. I am sure she would want to continue to feed herself too but it will help if she is too tired and I will take care of the housework and cook for you guys.”

I said “I hope you are going to be eating at meal times too?”

She said “Don’t worry about me I will eat, sir.”

Unknown POV

“I want you to work with the future Alpha and Luna, you know they just had twins and they are seeking someone to help out around the house. The Luna called earlier and told your mother that they needed someone and she told them that you would go. Find out as much as you can about the pups, they are probably just as gifted as Nikki is.”

She said “I don’t want to hurt them please don’t make me do this.”

I backhanded her and said “YOU WILL DO THIS OR GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK!”

I heard her whimper before she scurried away and ran into her room. We had been putting up a front that our previous pack was attacked and that we were seeking refuge. Little did they know we were working with the hunters we didn’t have a choice in the matter, they had our son and were told they would kill him if we told anyone and didn’t do what they told us to do. The other rogues were even harder on us; I still have scars on my back from the beating I gotten when I told them I couldn’t help them.

I heard the door close knowing that she had left to go over to the future Alpha’s to help out. That little bitch had better keep her mouth shut and do her job otherwise I would kill her myself.

I called the guy I was to have contact with and told him what was going on in the pack and he was pleased with me he told me that things would get better for me if I continued with the information. He did let me talk to my son, who sounded very weak but he said he was fine. Once he got back on the phone he said that he would attack in 2 weeks to the day and that we would be spared only if we ran away and that our son with be at the south boarder for waiting for us.

I couldn’t believe I was turning against my own race but I had to save my son. What else could I do? I don’t think they would help me. My mate walked in and said “You know I was thinking maybe we should talk to the Alpha you know he might be able to help us. I don’t want those little pups getting hurt in all of this what if it was ours?”

I shook my head and said “You know what they said?”

She said “Our son is dying anyway, as much as it pains me to know that he will die at the hands of those monsters. Do we really want to turn against our own kind?”

I didn’t know what to say after that but a part of me knew she was right. I didn’t want to go against my own kind for those hunters but I didn’t want to lose my son either.

She said “Please talk to the Alpha, please for me. I know he can help us. We are in the strongest pack in North America; they aren’t strong for no reason right?”

I just nodded I wasn’t sure what to say I knew she was right but I was scared that they would banish us or kill us one. I got up and made my way outside I needed to shift I hadn’t in a while maybe running in my wolf would let me thing about everything. 

Please let me know what you are thinking...... 

Thank you all for reading..

Love you all my lovely's 

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