Chapter 10- Concert Time

Start from the beginning

"I am surprised you guys even remember me. You guys see and meet a lot of fans everyday. Wouldn't it be hard to remember someone from just one venue?" I ask, looking at Kellin confused.

"It isn't hard to forget a beautiful face. Not to mention a beautiful fan of ours." Kellin winks at me. I blush and look down at my lap. Jesse laughs as I try to hide my face. I don't really get nervous around guys but come on, this is my inspiration I am sitting with here. AND he just called me beautiful.

You are beautiful too, Kellin Quinn Bostwick. I smile to myself and look over to Tay and Morgan talking to David and the rest of Breathe Carolina. Well, her dreams came true.

I walk over to them and introduce myself to the band. "Hey guys, my name is Mar-" I am cut off by the stage manager opening up the door.

"Guys! I need you all out and ready to be on stage. Damnit, Vic! What are you doing to Gabe's arm? And why are you even here? And please make sure all you vocalists are ready to go on stage. The crowd is insane tonight!" The manager finishes his lecture, and then turns around, vanishing around the corner.

"Damn, he seems pretty rude and strict." I say after he leaves.

"Yeah, he's an asshole. Anyway, what did you say your name was?" David asks me.

"Maria." I say as he smirks.

"Guys! We gotta get on the stage, let's go!" Matty screams across the room from the door. All the guys groan as we walk behind them towards the stage.

-After All Bands Play-

"Hey! Guess what is happening in like five minutes?" Vic says to Tay, Morgan, and I while we are talking to Kellin.

"What?" We all say in unison.

"A party! Wooo!" Vic says while running off towards Tony, jumping on his back calling him a turtle.

"What the hell?" I laugh at him when Tony starts running around Jaime with a crazy Mexican on his back.

"Yeah, about the party. You guys are invited. All bands and maybe some others from different venues will be there." Kellin says smiling.

"Hell yeah! Let's do this shit!" Tay says while running off towards the buses. Kellin laughs, scrunching his eyebrows.

"This way. And is she always like that?" Kellin says as we head over towards the tour bus which I am guessing is his. All sorts of people were in it partying.

"Yeah. She is crazy." I say while walking onto the bus seeing Vic and Mike having a shot contest. I smile knowing Mike will win.

"Do Vic and Mike always have a shot contest during parties?" I ask Kellin who just laughs when Vic hits a shot with his elbow and makes it fall to the ground. "Shit!" Vic says downing more drinks.

"Yeah, but let me warn you. Vic is crazy once alcohol is in his system." Kellin winks at me before walking off to get a drink. I see Tony is the far corner not drinking, so i decide to talk to him. I nudge people out of my way, finally reaching Tony.

"Damnit Mike! Fuck!" I hear Vic scream which means he lost the contest to Mike. The bet was giving whoever the winner is $80 bucks, so Vic handed him the money. Mike smiles an innocent smile and starts running out of the bus when Vic glares at him and runs after him.

"You damn Mexican! Get the hell back here so we can settle this!" Vic screams while running after Mike. "I got this." Jaime says while shaking his head trying to catch up to the two idiots outside.

"Why aren't you drinking anything?" I ask him while watching Tay and David play on the XBOX 360 Kinect. Tay jumps up and down when she beats him in some race they were playing.

"Because I need to be the sober one who is actually awake to take care of Vic and Mike. Jaime just falls asleep after about four drinks." He says with a shrug which makes me laugh.

-Hours Later-

"Holy shit dude, I am so beat and ready to head home." Morgan says while holding his head. The guys sure know how to crank up music as loud as possible and dance until they about fall over. I didn't want to be a part of the grinding group so I went and talked to Ash Costello who was at the venue for a tour she was on. Honestly, talking to all these band members had made me realise that I am very lucky to have the resources to be able to meet my inspirations.

"Hey, Maria!" I hear someone scream my name from behind me. I turn around to see Kellin running about, catching up to Vic who is smirking. When Vic reaches me he wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. I look at him like he is crazy, but he basically is with all the alcohol in his body.

Kellin glares at Vic when he catches up, and he wacks him on the head. "Dipshit! Go back to the bus." Kellin says while pushing Vic towards the fence.

"But I want to talk to this pretty girl right here." Viv gives me a lopsided smile. I laugh as i put an arm around his shoulder and guide him to Tony who is coming to get him.

"And I think that is the alcohol talking, so go and get some sleep." I say and hand him to Tony. Tony smiles at me and waves.

"Okay, what is it that you need? I need to get home. My mom is probably worrying about me." I tell Kellin honestly. He just smiles at me and hands me three lanyards and a white piece of paper folded in half. I look at him confused.

"Those passes are for concerts purposes. They will get you into any concert you want whenever, where ever, and also will work for Warped Tour. Use them carefully, because they are for you, Morgan, and Tay. Open that slip of paper when you get home. It was really nice meeting you, and I hope to see you at our upcoming concert!" Kellin says smirking. I gasp and pull him into a tight hug.

Kellin smiles and waves at Tay and Morgan who are watching from the car's hood. "Bye Kellin." I say as his hand slips from mine. I am in complete shock but snap out of it when his hand is gone from my fingers. Kellin gives me a look of despersation that he doesn't want me to leave.

I feel a tingling sensation on the tips of my fingers which leaves me wondering, why is he being so nice to me? I am only a fan. Just a small town girl hoping to get somewhere far in life and make a run for the music industry.


A/N: There was Chapter 10! I hope you all liked it. I am so sorry for the delay on updating. I have had a bit of a rough few months with some issues at school but it is all worked out now. I am writing Chapter 11 right now so it will possibly be up today.

Thank you for motivating me to keep on writing this. I have amost 700 reads and I know that isn't a lot but to me it shows that people actually took the time to read my stupid fantasies. I know this chapter wasn't all that great but I promise it will get better and we will have new characters and some Kellin POV's soon! ;)

If any of you guys listen to Bring Me The Horizon, I may be going to the American Dream Tour on the date February 21st so let me know if you live anywhere near there and you are going! I am very excited if i go.

I may start writing another story after this one is finished. I have a layout of what i want in the story, so hopefully I can start writing it.

Everyone ready to start a new year? 2014 is seriously right around the corner! Love you all you beautiful snowflakes!

Stay perfect! - Saisha

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