I Want To Scream I Love You At the Top of My Lungs

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Dear Ellie,

I miss you. I really do. I know it probably sounds stupid, and chances are you won't even read this, but if you do, I love you. We were both stupid back then. If it was now, we never would've been broken up. I would've stayed and took care of you. I'm sorry.



Dear Ellie, 

It's been a long time. I've seen you on the tabloids. Everyone has by this point. They're all lucky they get to see something as beautiful as you. I hope this Patrick guy you're with treats you well. If he ever does anything to hurt you, I'm here. I'll help you. I promise.


                                                                  With you in mind,

                                                                           Your raver

"Get the fuck away from my girlfriend."

Patrick turned around, confused. Ellie was his girlfriend. He didn't know who this girl yelling at him was, but he didn't like her. He knew that immediately.  "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the girl Eleanor dated for three years." The woman had her hands on her hips. She had attitude. "I didn't let her almost kill herself."

"You have no business being here. I don't know who you think you are, and I don't really care. Ellie is mine. She will still be after she wakes up. You do not get to just storm in here and claim her." Patrick had stood up from the chair he had beside Ellie's hospital bed. "You need to leave."

"I need to leave?" She scoffed. "I did nothing but help her when we were together. You clearly can't even stop her from committing suicide."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." The door to the room opened, and Pete stepped in. He had a plastic bag full of junk food on his arm, and was holding his hands up as if to defend himself. "Everyone, calm down."

"The stuck-up one." The woman muttered to herself, shaking her head.

Pete looked the girl over, smiling. She had a pretty nice body. Short dark hair, dark eyes to match. It was a good view. 

"Pig." Meagan's hand came sailing across Pete's face. She had followed him in. "You're friend is in a hospital bed and you're going to check out soem girl we don't know?"

"Ow." Pete looked at Meagan, frowning. There was a red hand print on his face from the hit he'd received. "Yes, I am. I'm stressed. Boobs help me calm down."

"I'm a lesbian." She wasn't going to let that go on any further. She'd come for Ellie, and that was it.

"Great. Because I didn't already know." Patrick hissed, his words drenched with cruel sarcasm. "Get the fuck out of here before I have security do it."

"Do you have any idea who I am?" She actually smiled a little bit. Like she enjoyed this. "Do you?"

"No, we don't." Meagan crossed her arms.

The woman smirked. "Maybe Ell told you about me. I'm Jamie." 

Pete shook his head, blinking a few times. This couldn't be happening. "Get out. Get out of here before I kill you. You could be arrested for being here. She has a restraining order against you."

"That order expired months ago. I'm still in her emergency contacts. I have as much right to be here as any of you." Jamie had her feet firmly planted where they were. She wasn't moving. "And whatever she told you, she lied."

"Ellie never said anything about a Jamie..." Patrick was thoroughly confused. He was being left out of things. As usual. 

"Maybe not to you, she didn't, but to me, I heard it all." Pete looked at Patrick, before directing his attention back to Jamie. "You hurt her. You destroyed her. You do not deserve to see her. If she wakes up with you still here, I will kill you. She's hurting enough already. You aren't going to help."

"What happened?"Meagan was even more confused than Patrick.

"I'm not leaving."

"Like hell you aren't." Pete grabbed on of her arms, fully ready to drag her out of the room. "You have three seconds before I pull you out and beat the bullshit out of you. Because you seem to be full of it."

"You're going to beat up a girl?" Jamie didn't seem scared. She seemed happier than anything. 

"Why not? You had no problem doing it to Ellie." Pete's grip tightened. "It's just what you deserve."

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