Book Case Shadow

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One night, I was watching TV in my room when I felt like something was watching me. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a shadow move.

When I looked over to the corner of my room, I saw it was where my bookcase was and thought it was just my imagination. I turned the TV off and reached for the light switch so I could go to bed.

There are 2 mirrors in my room on opposing walls, and one of them is very large. When I reached for the switch I saw a shadow distinctly move in the larger mirror.

When I quickly jerked my head to where the shadow might have been, I noticed the bookcase had a weird sort of dark hazy shadow to the side of it. It wasn't very noticeable and if I hadn't of seen something move near there, I probably wouldn't have seen it.

I kept focusing, and then it moved. We're my eyes playing tricks on me? At that same time I got the worst headache, and had to grab my head, it hurt so much.
I closed my eyes and when I opened them and looked at the bookcase, the thing wasn't there anymore.

Was it a blur my sudden migrant had caused? Was vision spots even a sign of a migraine?

I looked around my room until I finally saw it. It had moved closer to me and was becoming more noticeable. The hazy darkness had gotten darker, and I could start to see the shape of a slightly bulky man.

I kept my eyes on it and it stayed put. My head was thumping but I didn't want to take my eyes off it. Then it shrank suddenly, to the floor. I didn't want to look down in case something sudden happened, so I stayed put.

I waited for about half an hour, until I thought it was gone, and went to turn off the light. I felt something.

I looked at the shadow and closed my eyes thinking it would go away. It did, but when I looked around the room again, I saw it back near the bookcase again.

This time, I told it to go away and leave me alone and it quickly moved across the room near the door. There was a bottle of perfume on the mini table near the door and the shadow knocked it off when it moved.

I turned off the light and got under the covers and it felt like the covers were squeezing me. Like when you suck air out of a bag with something in it. I tried to move but it felt like I was stuck and I heard something like an animal dying.

My bed started shaking and I fought to get free of my blanket. I managed to stick my head out and saw the shadow figure standing across the room just watching me.

I could see its eyes because they were more black then the rest of it. The bed was still shaking and the covers were still tight so I closed my eyes and screamed. Then my bed stopped, the blankets became loose and I ran out, in my PJ's, got in my car and stayed at a friend's house after telling her what happened.

I asked one of my more religious friend's to find someone to exorcise my flat, but I haven't had any word back yet. This happened about a month ago and I've been at my house during the day but at my friend's house in the night time. I can't bear to sleep in my room anymore after what happened.

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