Truth Or Dare?

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It all started with a simple game, of Truth or Dare...

My name is Emily, I was 16 years old, and I was hanging out with a few friends. We were teenagers, always looking for trouble, always doing stupid things, to waste time.

Here is the game rules: Someone starts the game, by asking a person of choice, Truth or Dare? That person must chose either Truth, or Dare.

If they choose truth, you must ask a question, that must involve the truth. For example "Do you like me?"

If they pick dare, you dare them to do something. For example "I dare you to do the chicken dance"

But theres a twist. If you refuse to to do that dare, or answer your truth, you must take an item of clothing off. The first person to end up naked, looses.

So I put my ghost story, into an actual story, so that you could understand it better...

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I reply.

"I dare you, to play truth or dare, with my Ouiji board"

I didn't want to take off any of my clothing, so I confidently reply. "Ok" I hesitate, but reach up and grab the board.

I set everything up, and place my hand down.

Now it was my turn.

I ask my friend, to my right. She didn't want her name mentioned, so I won't mention it. "Truth or dare?"

She pauses to think, then smiles "Truth"

I also pause to think. Then I come up with the perfect thing. "Do you believe in ghosts?"

She clears her throat, and looking at the Ouiji board, she answers. "Yes"

I smile.

After a few more rounds, it started to get more interesting.

"Emily. I dare you to see if there is a ghost"

I gulp. I have heard many stories about people who have used one, and it never went well. I also didn't know how to properly use one. What if I did something wrong?

I was also down to just my undergarments, and a tank top, and I didn't feel like taking either of the items off.

"Ok" I answer.

"Is there anyone here?" I ask, intently looking at the board.

"Yah, us stupid" my friend remarks, making the others laugh.

Suddenly I felt it move. I look close, and it had moved around a few times, spelling yes.

Everyone had seen it. Because when I looked up, everyone was staring at the board, there jaws wide open in shock.

I clear my throat. "I dare you ***** to ask the ghost, truth or dare"

* = a name that didn't want to be mentioned

He looks up at me, and smirks.

"Sure" he moves closer, and places his hand down. "Truth or dare?"

He chuckles, probably not believing this.

And out of no where, it moves. My friend stiffens, but keeps his hand placed.

"Dare!" I exclaim, reading what he/she had spelt

He swallows hard. "I um... dare you to..." Suddenly he grins. "To show your self!" He yells, fooling around.

"No!" we all yell, but it was to late. Suddenly, we all felt the presence of another person in our circle.

The piece moves, and I snap my head to look.

Truth or dare? it spells.

I gulp. He/She was asking me...

"D-dare" I stutter, frightened.

"Why'd you pick that!" ***** yells at Me.

I shrug my shoulders.

But before I could even say another word, I felt the ghost behind me. I saw my own arm, come up and slap my friend.


Everyone was staring at me. No one even thought of saying, or doing anything.

The ghost hadn't even dared me to do that, well, I didn't hear it.

"T-truth" I gulp "or Dare?" I ask *******, sobbing, frightened.

"Truth" she quickly replies.

"Is this really happening? do you believe all this?"

Her face fills with worry, shame.
"No?" she answers, unconfident.

Then She screams. I bring my fingers up, covering my mouth.
Everyone turns, and looks at me, with tears in their eyes.

I glance over at my friend, only to see she wasn't there.


This memory will be forever with me, I will never get over it. After, I recall closing the board, and the game.

We all had no idea where ******* had gone. So we went to her house.

That's when we all saw her, with an Ouija board.

I'd screamed, and begged her to stop doing whatever she was doing. Luckily, she listened to me.

A couple days later, we all got together to talk about that day. We all agreed to believe she was Possessed.

Ever since then, we never, ever played truth or dare again.

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