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Kirstie and Kevin left us alone to talk. I guess it was needed since I hadn't been here since he was first admitted.

"How have you been?" I ask. "Better. They're keeping me under suicide watch until next week. Then I'll be moved closer to home..." "That's uhm, that's great? I think. The moving closer part." Mitch laughed at my awkwardness, "You sure know what to say to make a gal feel better." He joked, "I get it. You don't know what to say. Last time you were here, I was a complete mess."

"It was hard to see you like that. Then we had to leave you here.." "Hey, hey. Its fine. I'm fine. Believe it or not, thus place is actually helping me. Especially since we can't have phones or any electronics." "I miss you."

"Then visit more." He replied bluntly. "Why haven't you?"

I knew it was going to come up.

"I-" I paused. How could I explain this? "I don't know how to explain myself. This may come out wrong but," I took a deep breath then continued, "I felt like this was my fault. I put you in here because I wasn't there for you. I didn't support your actions... Then when you were in that coma... I couldn't face you knowing what happened because I left. I got scared to face you. But when they called and said you had been admitted here, I felt like I was to blame somehow. I know this kinda sounds like me being selfish, but its true..."

"Is that all?"

No. "Yeah."

"Don't lie to me Scott. Don't forget the two people that brought you here." What did Kevin and Kirstie have to do with this?

"They told me things.. When they would visit. I know things you may not want me to and I'm so sorry... I wasn't thinking about the consequences. I wasn't thinking about how this would effect everyone. I wasn't me... Well, you should know considering you have to be forced out of bed by Kevin and Kirstie." "This has been a hard month."

"But we'll get through it. Somehow... We always do."


It felt so good to be back with Scott. Kirstie had been the first one to tell me about how Scott was doing. I felt horrible because I couldn't reach out to him and tell him everything would be okay. I was getting better. Everything was getting better for me, but his whole world was collapsing around him.

"Scott... I think you should talk to a therapist." "Not you too!" He groaned. "I'm the one who suggested it. I think you should. This is new to you. You haven't had to deal with any of this before. You were just thrown into it. You have no outlet... I think it would be great for you." I watched as he sighed, and rubbed his face, "Can I think about it?"

"Its up to you. I can't make you do anything you don't want to do." He stretched across my bed, "Mitchy. When did we let the world get the best of us?" I cuddled into his side, "I don't know, Scotty. I don't know."


"I thought you were going to paint my nails today Kirstie." "Oh crap! You're right! I have to go get my polish from the car." Kirstie said then rushed out the room. "How's management?" I ask Kevin, "I mean, not much they can do. We've had song writing sessions. They want us to keep working." "Oh. Anything new pop up about me?" "Nope."

I rolled my eyes, he was lying.

"Yeah, okay Kevin."

"You know you aren't allowed to-" "I'm back!" Kirstie said as she panted her way back to her chair. "Gosh Kirst! Why'd you run? I'm not going anywhere." Which was true. I couldn't. I was on suicide watch. I was confined to this room until further notice.

"Which color Mitchie?" "Black, like my heart." "Oh, ha-ha." Scott said.

Kirstie moved her chair closer to my bed and pulled out the black nail polish and her pink nail file. "Hands." She demanded. Scott placed his head on my leg as Kirstie took my finger in her hand. "Are you trying to get high Scott? Move your head." Kirstie joked, "No. I want to be by my Mitchy." He said as he grabbed a hold of my leg. "Go behind him then! I'm trying to paint his nails!" "Are you sure you want be to go behind him?" "Scott!" Kevin and I yelled out, "Oh my god. I get that you're horny but please, not around us innocent bystanders." Kirstie says.

"Innocent? Says the one who was listening to us last month!" "Don't forget about the various nicknames for sex she used. Oh! And the emojis..." I add, "The fan fiction." Scott added to the list. "I get it! I get it! I'm Scömìche trash."

"Its okay, I'm Scömìche trash too." Scott says. "You're my trash."


It was almost time for us to leave. I didn't want to though, I had missed so much time with him already.

"All the girls are going to be jealous of you Mitchy. You look good." Kirstie said, admiring her work. She had plucked his eyebrows, painted his nails, and cut his hair that had grown back. "And the boys will want a piece of you too!" "No need. I already have the boy I want. My eyes don't wander." I gave her a smug grin and she rolled her eyes in response, "Whatever."

"We'll see you next week, yeah?" Kevin asked as he got up from the small couch that was in the room. "Yep. I'll call from the line they have." "Cool. Cool. See you then Munchkin." Kevin hugged him then waited by the door for Kirstie and I.

Kirstie was next to hug, I mean squeeze the life out of Mitch. She got teary eyed and told him she didn't want to leave him. "Kirst. Go. I'm okay. I'll see you next week babe." "Okay." She sniffled, "I love you." Then she was moving to Kevin.

Mitch looked at me as if I held the world in my hands, "You'll come back too, right?" He bit his lip as he awaited my answer. "You bet I am. Gotta show those new boys who you belong to." "Oh really?" "Mitchy. We-" "Shut up. I've been good all day. I haven't even teased you! Do you know how difficult that was?" "I-" "That was a rhetorical question. Kiss me!"

And I did.

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