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Tyler struggled to get out of his bed, but when he did, he had trouble standing on his own. He fell into the empty twin sized bed next to his own, he warmed his face by mumbling to himself.

Last night was a blur to him, the taste of champagne still lingering on his tongue. Tyler moved his hands to the bed and pushed himself up. This time he could walk normally, so he walked down the stairs to make himself some breakfast.

But when he entered the kitchen, Tyler saw the word 'soft' written on the wall next to the microwave. He rubbed his finger against the wall where 'soft' was written and watched as the pink powder fall to the floor. It was pretty clear that it was written in pink colored pencil. Tyler didn't eat that morning, all he did was think about why he had written it, so he grabbed the pink pencil and wrote 'soft' again.


The next morning was the same, Tyler woke up and wrote 'soft' again. Tyler was starving, but that didn't matter. Tyler remembered falling in love with someone at the party, but all he could describe that night was the word 'soft'.

Tyler loved the boy, but he wished he could remember his name. He had now devoted his time to finding out why he could remember Soft. So he wrote it again.

Each day was the same after that.


It had been 5 days, a total of 7 words on his wall.

"Who was Soft?"

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