Chapter 2

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I walked into my first period class and nobody seemed to be in here. I walked up to the teacher and told him the things you are supposed to tell the teacher on the first day of school. Most of the kids probably already did this considering its December. He told me to sit all the way in  the back of the classroom seeing as that was the only seat left.

I sat in my seat and pulled out my drawing pad, waiting for class to begin. I didnt really pay attention to what i was drawing until i really looked at the drwaing. I drew Zayn. His Detailed face and even his barely noticeable stubble on his chin. His black quiffed hair and even his chestnut brown eyes.

As i was admiring my drawing someone cleared their throat above me. I looked up and seen Zayn standing there. I shyly smile at him.

"Can I help you?" I ask him curiously.

"Uh yeah, yuo're in my seat." He said with a smirk.

"Actually the teacher told me to sit here so I'm not moving." I told him smugly.

He storms to the teachers desk and starts talking to him not so quietly. After a few minutes he stomps back to the desk that was next to me and slumped in it with a grimace on his face. As the teacher started teaching i went back to perfecting my drawing. all of a sudden i feel a warm b reath on my neck that sends shivers down my spine. I turn my head to see Zayn staring down at my drawing in curiousness.

"Who is that?" He whispers to me while looking in my eyes.

"N-Nobody." I stutter out. Why did i have top stutter? Maybe its the fact that he is so close to me.

"It kinda looks like me." He says smirking.

"So what if it is." I turn back to my drawing. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was shocked that i said that. He deserved that.  He cant just go around acting like a bvadass guy and expect everyone to resepct him because of it.

"Let me see it then." He says smirking.

"Fine." I slide the notebook over to him. I pretend to be listening to the teacher but i was secretly watching him trace the detailed drawing out of the corner of my eye.  He looked so astonished about all the details.

"How did you draw this so good when you have only seen me once?" He asks looking at me.

"Twice actually and i have a good memeory i guess. I just started drawing not realizing and i drew you.": I shrugged and looked away.

"Well it's really good." He said sliding my notebook back to me. 

"Uh thanks." i reply.

"No problem." Zayn turns towards the board but i can feel his eyes on me.

Finally the bell rings and i cannot wait to get out of this classroom. I put my books into my bag when i feel something slip into my back pocket and see its my phone. How did i not notice that it wasnt there. I look up and Zayn is walking through the door.

When i get to the to my locker i check my phone and see i have a message.

From: Zayn Is Sexy

You are definately a keeper :*

Ok what does that mean? Okay that is just creepy. But strangely i didnt get a creepy feelings when i read that. Hmm weird. Oh weel i have to get to class. The bell rang already. Great I'm late to my 2nd period on my first day of school.

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