My Life Saver - A Niall Horan Fan Fiction

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Chapter 9 - Are you okay..?

**Destiny's POV**

I got up, and walked over to the mens restroom quickly.

I walked in, and looked under a staw door.

There was Niall.

"Niall, uh, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, im fine, please leave,"

Well that kinda hurt.

"First, let me in." i demanded.

He got up and unlocked the door.

**Niall's POV**

"Niall, uh, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, im fine, please leave," i lied. Im such a jerk.

"First, let me in." she demanded.

I got up, and unlocked the staw door.

She came in, looking worried.

"Niall, please, tell me whats wrong?" she said.

"My uh.. friend just passed away, from Ireland.." im a bad lier.

"Oh, well im sorry for your loss Niall," she got up, and gave me a hug.

I hugged her back; she was so pretty.

"Lets go, were almsot here,"

We walked out of the bathroom, and sat down in our seats.

"You guys okay?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah, fine!" i said

"Everyone, please turn off all electronics! Were about to land!" the flight attendant said.

We turnded off our phones, and buckled in.

We started shifting down, and got closer to the ground.

We finally landed, and we unbuckled our seats.

We got all of our stuff, and headed off the plane.

We got our bags in the romm we walked into, and started walking to the air port lobby thingy mabob.

We started walking out the exit, and we saw a huge bus. Tour bus.

**Destiny's POV**

We walked out the door, and we saw a huge tour bus that had "ONE DIRECTION" plastered on it.

We saw 3 boys walk out, 1 With curly hair, 1 with a quiff, and 1 tall one.

Harry, Zayn, and Liam.

"Ello! Nice to meet you, love!" the curly haired one walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I saw Niall's face go to a frown from a smile.

Is he mad that Harry.. Kissed me? Probably not.

"Hello love! Nice to meet you, I'm Liam," the tall boy said.

"I know, I'm a huge fan! And I'm Destiny,"

"Very beautiful name!" He said.

I blushed, and Zayn started walking over to me.

"Hello! I'm zayn, what's your name?"

"Destiny," I said.

"Nice name!"

"Thanks!" I said.

"We'll, you guys ready to go?" Liam asked.

"Yes! Lets roll!" El yelled.

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