Tip #8

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Dashes and Hyphens

These can definitely be confusing.

Hyphen: a shorter mark that is often used to link two or more words together
-it can also be seen at the end of a line to break up a whole word that won't fit into the space
Ex. part-time, back-to-back, user friendly

Dash: the longer line that is used as punctuations in sentences
-separates a sentence when there is an interruption that breaks the flow
Ex. Everyone desires fame and fortune -- some even achieve it -- but it is easier said than done.

•Using a dash at the end of a line•
-Try to make sure that if a dash appears between the end of one line and the start of another, then the dash appears at the end of the the line and not the start of the next. This will make the punctuation more clear for the reader.

•Do not overuse•
-While the dash is a really useful tool for providing variety to your writing, be careful not to overuse it. Too many dashes makes the writing look disjointed and ugly. Only use the dash for interruptions in a sentence and for nothing else.

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Hope this helps!
Happy Writing!

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