How it all started

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Hello, My name is India Phillips. I'm a normal teenage girl who loves to listen to music!! I used to enjoy school loads because I used to have my best friends and boyfriend by the side of me.. But then they all left.. And now I'm all alone.. I have 1 Bestfriend.. His name is Ashton Irwin, he's been my Bestfriend for 8 years and we've done everything together, but unfortunately he's not in my school... Their boys that constantly make fun of my appearance, just make fun of me.. They are called, Luke hemmings , Michael and Clifford and the most mean one, Calum hood. Luke and Michael don't do much but whatever Calum says, they instantly need to do it. Anyway, wish me luck, tomorrow's my first day back from Christmas holidays :):

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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