Chapter Three; Sorry.

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Chapter Three; Sorry.

I was rudely awoken by my alarm, telling me I had to get up for school. Letting out a large sigh, I kicked my covers off of my warn body and walked into my bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower before jumping in.

After finishing my shower, I rapped a towel around me and walked over to my drawers. Opening my top drawer, I picked out my favourite red set of underwear and threw it onto the bed. I then went into the drawer below and picked out my favourite cream woolly jumper and my dark grey skinny jeans. Quickly changing into my clothes, I brushed my hair and ran out of the door.

When I got downstairs, I saw a note on the kitchen table;

Sorry baby, I had a call this morning asking for me to come in early. I've called school to explain why you'll be late. Don't worry. I'll see you later. Love you.

Best get my walk on then. Woohoo. I went and put my white converse and my black leather jacket on, grabbed my bag, and walked out of the door locking it behind me.

It was a cool autumn breeze. Cold enough to make the tip of your nose red. I plugged my headphones in and played some music, loud enough to block out the sound of the traffic.

When I arrived to school, it was already 2nd period. That would be Biology for me. I walked through the school to get to my class. When I finally got there I walked in earning a few looks off some people. The teacher gave me a nod and I walked to my seat.

I sat at the back of the class. Out of the way of some of the people I don't get along with. They all just hate me for some reason. Like I said, I'm just an outcast. British, I have a bad history and no parents.

By the time the lesson was finished I was almost asleep. Biology wasn't my favourite lesson. But at least I had lunch after.


It was the end of lunch and time for my third lesson of the day. Math. I actually quite like this lesson. Again I sit at the back on my own. But I was quite good at it, so it's all good.

Walking into the class, my teacher called my name. I walked over to her after placing my bag down.

"The new boy, Max, will be sitting next to you from now on. Okay?"

"Yes miss."

Great. Now I have to put up with some randomer.

Turning, I saw a familiar face. The guy from the coffee shop. Way to make my day worse. The new boy, Max. That was him. Now I have to spend a whole hour with him. I'm sure he hates me?

I went and sat at my desk. Shortly after Max came to take the seat beside me.

I decided to play it cool and apologise whilst I could.

"I'm really sorry about the other day. I don't know what got into me..."

"It's fine, honestly. I'm just glad you're better now" He gave me a small nod, and an innocent smile before turning to face the front of the class.

He seems like such a lovely guy. I just wish I could have met him under better circumstances.


At last. The final bell, indicating that i can go home. Making my way through the gates I let out a sigh, releasing all of the stress that had been building up inside of me all day. Now I can relax.

Plugging in my headphones and pressing play on my music, I slowly got into the rhythm matching my walking pace with it.

After about half an hour, I got home. But to an empty house. Again, there was a note on the kitchen table:

Sorry again, baby. I promise this won't become a regular thing. I've had another call, I might not be back before you go to bed. Love you.

And with that, I made my way up the stairs stripping from my coat and shoes, throwing them back down once I got to the top.

As I got into my room, I noticed a light buzzing noise. Quickly, I rummaged through my bag and grabbed my phone. Reading the screen, I noticed it was an unknown number.

I answered it, waiting for the caller to say something. They didn't. All I heard was a breath.


Authors Note.

I'm so sorry for the lack of posting. I've been so busy, and I've literally forgotten.

I'm going to try and make this more regular now.

I noticed this chapter is pretty boring-.- But I thought I'd give the book a bit of a twist;) So keep reading!

Please give me your opinions, vote and follow?:')

Peace baby's.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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