Chapter Two; Everything Reminds Me Of You.

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Chapter Two; Everything Reminds Me Of You.

I ran through the woods as fast as I could. My breathing fast. I could feel my heart pumping against my chest as I tried to make my muscles move faster. The footsteps behind me getting louder as they got closer.

"Laura!!" My Auntie Carren screamed my name waking me from my slumber. I was cold and sweaty.

"Baby, you had a nightmare." She said as she cradled me, softly stroking my hair.

I've been having them a lot recently. The same people. The same forest. Doing the same thing. I would always awake from them cold, but sweaty. My Aunt says I breathe heavily and scream, loud.

"I'm so sorry Auntie Carren." I whispered trying to hold back the tears.

"Shh, it's okay baby. You're okay." She whispered back, gently kissing the top of my head. "Why don't you go and get ready, then we can have something to eat and I'll take you to work, yeah?"

"Okay, I'll be down in about 10 minutes."

With that, she left the room. I held my blanket close, taking in the scent. Mum. To this day, I still spray it with the same spray my mum used.

I quickly made my bed and made my way to the chester drawers in the corner of my room. Picking out some light coloured skinny jeans, a tight red t-shirt and some fresh underwear. I began to change. Before running out of my room, I shoved my hair up and made my way downstairs to the smell of bacon.

'Bacon was mine and my mum's favourite breakfast.'

I made my way over to the table and plonked myself onto the chair. Taking small bites of my sandwich I remember the times my mother would get tomato sauce on her nose. She was so silly.

I pushed the thought aside as I took the last bite. I moved my plate to the sink and washed my hands.

"Nice?" My Auntie asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, very. Thank you." I said, turning to give her a hug.

"Go on, go get shoes and coat on. It's cold outside."

I slowly made my way to the front door where my coat was hung. Opening the cupboard I grabbed my white converse and pulled them over my feet.

Opening the door I walked out. Wow. My Auntie Carren was right, it's freezing. Zipping my coat up further and slipping my hands into my pockets, I made my way over to the car.


Finally, half way through my shift. I've had enough of seeing happy couples everywhere. All snuggled up. Seeing them together made me wonder if my mum and dad were ever like that?

I was snapped out of my trance to a customer lightly coughing to get my attention. Looking into their direction, I couldn't help but blush with embarrassment.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I asked, trying to ignore what just happened.

"I'll just have a coffee please." He asked with a slight grin.

As I placed his coffee in front of him, everything just slowed down for a sudden second. I saw a drop of water fall from my cheek and land on the back of his hand. I quickly looked up at him. His face softened. I couldn't take it. I ran to the staff toilets as fast as I could.

I just cried in public. I never cry in public. All because my mother's favourite drink was coffee. It's these small little details that remind me every day of my life. I have nothing to distract me from them.

There was a knock at the door. With a voice following,

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want me to get everyone out for you?"

Totally I ignoring the first question, I replied with a sniffle, "The keys are on the shelf under the till."

I heard faint voices. And a bang indicating the front had been shut. I slowly made my way out, forgetting about the little step that sits infront of the toilet door. And with that, I fell to the floor with a loud bang.

"Shit, are you okay?!"

"I'm fine. Why are you still here?" I said rudely, that fact that he just saw me embarrass myself 3 times in a row. Today just isn't my day.

"Good. Well I just wanted to check on you. I, um, I guess I'll go then." Then he just left.

Why on earth did I just say that? Jesus Laura, you're so stupid. I got myself up, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks again. Taking off my apron I threw on my coat and made my way outside. Turning the 'open' sign to 'closed' I locked the door and started my walk back home.


Later that night I lay in my bed with the radio playing softly. That poor boy. That poor boy must think I hate him without even knowing him. I remember his face softening. His mysterious brown eyes staring into mine. His short curly hair framing his flawless face.

What the hell are you thinking Laura? I slowly got off of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and walked back to my room. Grabbing a baggy top from the bottom of my bed, I stripped from my clothes and shoved the t-shirt on. Finally, comfy. Getting back into my bed, I plugged my phone in and closed my eyes.

Holding my blanket close, all I could think about was that guy. I hope he's there tomorrow evening. I hope I can apologise.


Authors Notes.

Hey guys, I thought I'd upload this one today seeing as through its the start of the book.

So, more stuff happens in this one. Still haven't started the book properly. It will get better. Promise.

Also, sorry, the chapter is short again-.- It's just because it's the start. I don't want to write too much?

Tell me what you think? Comment, Vote and Follow please?!

Peace Baby, Love you's.

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