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Alright everyone thank you sooo much again for all of the support. We are truly blessed to have you all continuously reading and voting. As always if you have any ideas, please let one of us know for sure and we'll defiantly consider them. I want to take a moment once more to thank my amazing Freind and writing partner for being so supportive of not only me and my story, but also of our story together. There is never a loss of ideas from you and you continually inspire me to be better than I am

Liberty xox
Liv's POV
After a long week of searching and interrogating we come up empty. So we're starting from step one, we being searching for the other rapist in Olivia's case. Unfortunately we have no solid leads yet, so things are a bit difficult. I'm beginning to think we'll never solve this case. Finally I get around to requesting a press release. Letting the public know that the only thing we have to go on is the perp is a tall slender white man, with dark hair and brown eyes. We ask the public for any possible leads, and to keep safe go the time being.

Even offering a reward, to anyone who offers a solid lead.

Fin's POV
Liv went to work early today, after the press conference we've had tons of calls, she asked me to make sure that Ellie and Noah got to school alright, but when I get to there apartment, I see a letter taped to the door. Assuming it was from Liv, I open it and I am install shocked.

Look all you want detective, you'll never catch me......and if you do, you'll be very.... Very sorry.

The letter read, I placed the letter in an evidence bag thanking God I kept my driving gloves on so I wouldn't finger print it. I take Noah and Ellie to school and then drive to the precinct To let Olivia know about the letter that I found taped to her door. I walk into her office, and silently place the bag with the letter on it, on to her desk. "What is this?" she asks me.

Liv's POV
"What is this?" I ask him, he's being to quite and honestly it makes me incredibly nervous. "It's a letter I found taped to your door.....Um I think you should read it." I read the letter and instantly dropped it in my desk, my hands reaching up to my face, covering my mouth and making my shock and horror evident on my face. "I need to have Noah, Ellie and Olivia stay with someone until I get this figured out" We get things finished up and head out once more to continue our search, leaving Amanda and Nick on tip duty while me, Fin and Carisi went on the search.
Amanda's POV
So sarge stuck me on tip duty which wouldn't be so bad. But there tons of unserious people who keep calling its really starting to test my nerves. I get another call "This is detective Rollins with SVU, can I help you?" I ramble off the usual introduction.

"I....I heard crying coming from an abandoned warehouse in queens, it was a baby. I want sure what to do since I was just walking home, but I saw your tip number on tv and thought it would just be just as efficient as it would be if I had just called the cops"

"Okay can I get the location of the warehouse?" I asked jotting down as much as I can. "It's southern queens, the really rundown part, I'm not sure the exact address, but it's the tallest one of that helps at all"

"Okay sir, thank you so much and-" I was cut off when he hung up. How odd? I call Olivia and let her know I have an abandoned warehouse in queens, where a baby was supposedly heard crying. We meet up there.

Liv's POV
I got the call from Rollins and my motherly instincts instantly kick in, when I turn on the lights and sirens and speed there as fast as possible. I wait for her to get here, when she does I let her lead the way into the building and we begin our search. I went to the third floor and hear screaming. I pull my gun up higher and begin walking in the direction it was coming from, I find the baby only clothed in a diaper, thank god there are no signs of sexual assault. He looks to be roughly about six months. I call the paramedics in, clearing it with my detectives that the warehouse was clear. The paramedics look over the baby and while they do I begin to look around, taking in as much as possible, hoping to find anyone to tie to this. I catch a glimpse of a man in a window of a another building, looking straight at me. I being to question it but quit when something tells me he just wasn't the guy were looking for.

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