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"What do you mean at least not for an year?" Izaya asked

"Well, you see the child is still very young and the mother died recently, that would be very traumatizing for the child"

hearing this Izaya raised an eyebrow and turned towards the girl who now had started playing with a pen, while swinging her legs back and forth with a smile on her face.

"Definitely, looks like a traumatized child" Izaya mumbled to himself.

"So taking note for psychological care of the child we'd put in under the family so the poor child can recover"

"And that's for an year?" Izaya said

"Yes, that's correct"

"Are you sure you are not doing this because to get children off your hands and save yourself the trouble" Izaya said

"How rude! If you don't want her then you shouldn't had done "that", we are just doing our job" the women was flustered by Izaya's previous remark.

"Red marks the spot" Izaya thought to himself "I don't even remember who I done "it" with"

- - - -

"And after that I filled in the paperwork and got the child" izaya sigh

"As much as I want things to happen and be the centre of it, this was not something I've been expecting actually, I wasn't expecting it at all"

Izaya puts the bottle on the table and sits on the couch beside the sleeping little girl wrapped in blankets.

Namie who listened to her boss took a minute to put everything in her before speaking.

"So now... You suddenly have a child? But no clue of it's mother or whosoever" namie stood near her boss with her arms crossed.

"Exactly" izaya replied looking over to the child and poking her cheeks a little with his index finger.

"The kid sure as looks the exact copy of you, by appearance I meant"

"Oh I missed that, thank you namie or wouldn't have ever known, but what surprises me that why you are taking such interest" izaya said leaning back into the couch.

"Ah, could be that you are jealous that, I suddenly have a child, but you won't be able too due to your incestuous love towards your younger brother?"

Namie stared at her boss "As if!" With that namie huffed and went back to her job which she was doing. Mumbling curses at Izaya.

"Just what am I supposed to do with you?" Izaya said in a whisper to the girl.

After a while namie left in still an irritated mood that was obvious due to Izaya's remark on an errand she had to do. Namie was a calm and composed woman a little bit too much to the point namie was refer to as a cold hearted woman. namie didn't take interest in things unless her younger brother seiji was involved.

Namie personality completely changed when she's with seiji, she is also very patient that is why she has tolerated being with Izaya.

Izaya insults namie on a daily bases due to her love calling it disgusting and how it ruined her but then he waves it off saying he will still love her as long she still has her humanity.
Between her and Izaya the clashing of words always happen and that us something she is used to by now.

Izaya was flipping through the channel when the bundle of blanket beside him stirred and a head popped out, rubbing her eyes.

"Ah, I see you're awake" Izaya spoke without looking at her.

The little girl yawned looked over to izaya, she crawled over to Izaya's lap and curled herself on it, drifting back to sleep.

"Well, never mind" izaya sighed

"Hey, daughter of mine. if you sleep so much now you won't be able to go to bed at night" Izaya said looking at the girl in his lap she was sleeping peacefully without a care in the world.

His finger lightly poking at her cheek.

The door swung open revealing namie she looked over at Izaya then down on his lap then back at Izaya. A small smirk appearing on her face while Izaya pretended he doesn't know why.

"I never thought of you as a loving father, who knew you had it in you" namie said putting her bag down.

"did you collected the information I told you to? Izaya said ignoring her words but she knew he was annoyed by it.

All this time Izaya harassed namie and now it's her turn when she isn't letting this chance slip away.

"You look very cute like that" namie Said taking some files out of her bag.

"Aw, you think I am cute? I flattered" Izaya said lifting up the sleeping little in his arms and setting her on the couch.

"I meant the kid" namie Said giving izaya the files as he came and stood in front of her.

"Well of course she is, after all she takes after me" Izaya said looking through the files.

"What are you gonna do with these files on her mother?" Namie asked her boss.

"Really namie? I thought it was obvious after telling you the whole story. I am a little disappointed" izaya said.

Izaya felt a tug on his pants he looked to see the girl with the same eyes staring him.

"you finally decided to wake up, eh?" Izaya said as he bent done to pick up the girl and setting her down on the table next to him.

"So you are really gonna raise this kid?" Namie looking at girl who was rubbing her eyes.

"Well, I am the father and look at her isn't she just adorable? You want me to throw her on the streets?, how cruel namie" izaya said making a hurt expression on his face.

Namie just let out a frustrated sigh.

"And besides I've got help" izaya giving a smile.

"Help?" Namie thought for a moment then her eyes widen "no no no I am not gonna be your nanny!"

"Namie I really don't want you to be my nanny, as you can see I am old enough to take care of myself" izaya said blankly to which namie wanted to punch him.

"I was saying for her" Izaya said as he pointed his thumb at the little girl.

Namie pinched the bridge of her nose. "I didn't mean tha- never mind the answer is still no!"

"I wasn't asking namie, you don't have a choice thou" izaya Said
Author's Note:

Hey guys! Third chappy here~ it was sorta boring it'll get better probably..... I love your comments :D
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