The Round Trip to Paradise

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    I woke up this morning with my mom screaming in my got damn ear. Which I couldn't figure out why, until she decided that she would give me the rest of the money, because I had worked so hard. She said that she wouldn't mind paying for the rest, then I screamed because I'm going to Monte Carlo and nothing was going to stand in my way. I couldn't wait to call my friends and tell them, and when I did tell them they said that they wished that they had raised enough money to go with me. Their parents said no because they are so uptight. So I'm traveling alone and my flight leaves on Friday June 4, 2016 at 7:00 am which for me was to DAMN early in the morning. After I was done freaking out that I was going on the trip. I went upstairs to pack my bags I picked colorful shirts, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and even underwear I was so ready to go on this trip. When I was finished packing I jumped onto my unmade bed and looked up at the ceiling inhaling and exhaling. Feeling like I was about to have a heart attack, I realized that I FUCKING! did it. Just 2 days later I was on a plane flying to Monte Carlo, I was packed from shirts, to jeans, to shoes, to just about everything. I hadn't arrived in Monte Carlo until the next day when I woke up in my first class seat, to find. The most beautiful place ever Monte Carlo, it was so amazing that I took a picture of it like a thousand times. So after I grabbed my bags and walked towards the taxi I just standed their and started to cry.

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