The New Start

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    The day started just like it was yesterday, I was up all night trying to come up with ways to make 650 dollars for my Monte Carlo trip. As I was working I was falling asleep, right on top of my computer right when I did that I knocked over my cup of ICE COLD WATER, which messed up all my damn progress. I was so mad but I got over it, right about now I would be waking up for school, it takes me about 30 minutes to do my hair. Which after I'm done still never looks right, but who cares now I eat, and head towards the bus. On that bus I have to deal with people making fun of my clothes, calling me an old maid, and just annoying the SHIT! Out of me. None of that matters, all that matters is me going on that Monte Carlo trip, by the way my names Miranda I'm 17 years old, I only have a mom my dad died when I was 2, it was and argument that got way out of control. Im an only child and that's all there is to know about me.

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