Chapter 4: Rooms, Booms, and the Foretelling of Dooms.

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A/N Are my chapter titles annoying? I don't know I just feel like they should be catchy or something but I feel like they're corny ( I still love them though).... Tell me what you think.


Nico and I headed to the Hermes' cabin. We didn't talk much, but I was okay with it. Too much happened today, and I don't feel like arguing with him again.


I haven't argued with someone this much ever since that fight over a slice of pizza with a hobo. Long story short it ended up with me being banned from the Western Alleys...

We stopped near the closed door.

I turned to face Nico.

"So is this where our journey ends?", I asked trying to get a response from him.

He rolled his eyes at my statement.

"Thankfully it does.", he responded halfheartedly.

I smiled at him. He looked at me and something flickered in his eyes for a second. Before I could figure out what it was, I was startled by two boys.

I jumped back as I threw my balled-up tissue at one of them.

Nonetheless, the continued with their introduction as if I just threw confetti at them.

"I'm Connor.", one said.

"I'm Travis.", the other said.

"Welcome to the Hermes' cabin!", they said together.

Nico rolled his eyes,"Aren't you two supposed to be in class?"

Connor (I'm not sure) waved him off,"We're sick."

Travis gave an over dramatic cough while Connor sneezed loudly.

"Right..", Nico said while rubbing his head.

"Just help Cortez settle down and supply her with what she needs-"

"Whoa, dude what happened to your head?", Travis-I think it was him- asked.

Nico closed his eyes as he gave a sigh of exasperation.

"Ask her.", he said monotonously.

The brothers both turned their attention towards me.

I gave them a sheepish grin while scratching the back of my head.

"It was an accident.", I said.

They both looked at each other with something I couldn't understand. It's creepy how they're doing things at the same time. They both came to my side and put  their arms over my shoulders.

"So Nico? You got in a fight with a girl?", Connor teased.

My eyes widened,"Wait no, that's not what happened-"

Travis cut me off,"The prince of the Underworld let down his defenses? How could this be?"

Nico crossed his arms, and he did not look pleased at the moment.

I shrugged the boys off of me causing them to fall onto each other.

They were both tangled up on the ground.

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