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"We're taking a big chance here.", Aisha said to Clay.

"We're getting slaughtered.", Clay said looking at the scores of the soccer game. We are at Jensen's niece's soccer games against the Marigolds. The Petunias aren't doing good.

"Come on, Beth! Watch number 9! She's throwing elbows!", Jensen exclaimed making everyone look at him. He then saw a woman behind him and did a double take.

"Hi. That's my niece, number 21.", he said pointing at her. "She's the star of the team."

I heard him flirting again and I turned to the woman.

"Sorry, ma'am. He's taken.", I said smiling at her, looping arm with Jensen's and kissing his cheek. As soon as she put her eyes back on the game, I grabbed him by the ear.

"What did I say about flirting?", I said pulling his ear, making him shout.

"Ow! You know I love you, Teddy Bear.", he said sweetly, making me let go. He laced his fingers with mine as we watched the game.

Pooch's baby needed a diaper change, but he didn't want to.

"Colonel, you mind jumping on this for me?", Pooch asked Clay.

"I'd rather jump on a live grenade."

"I'm invested.", Pooch said. "I have a hundred dollars on this game."

"Who the hell did you find to bet on a girls soccer game with?", Clay asked and Aisha raised her hand. Jensen was shocked.

"You bet against the Petunias?", Jensen asked her.

"Well, he gave me points.", She said.

"Big mistake.", Jensen said making me laugh.

"Let's go girls! Let's go girls!", I cheered for the Petunias. Suddenly, I saw Beth get pushed by another player. I guess Jensen saw it too, because he literally went onto the field. When he got out there, he got in a fight with the referee.

"Clay.", I called to him a showed him what was going on.

"We should probably break that up.", I said and everything agreed and got up. I got on the field, I went up to him and grabbed his waist, hoping he would look at me.

"Jensen, calm down. It's just a girls soccer game.", I said but he ignored me.

"How high up does this go?!", Jensen snapped. "This is worse than the NBA!"

I made him look at me.

"Jensen, baby, it's just a girls soccer game. Calm down.", I said and he did.

Just as we were about to leave, the referee shouted, "That's your boyfriend? Loser!"

I looked at her and I was about go in, but it was Jensen's turn to hold me back. He took me by the waist and lifted me off of the ground.

"Baby, calm down. She's not worth it.", he said me away.

"Bitch, I will embarrass you in front of all of these kids!", I screamed.

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