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"What are we up against?", Clay asked Cougar.


"Oh shit.", Roque said.

"Who's Cryon?", Aisha asked.

"Cryon security solutions.", Jensen answered coming up behind me wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Ex special forces."

"Basically, a bunch of guys like Cougar without the warm and cuddly side.", Pooch explained.

"We start recon at 0600.", Clay stated. "Anyone not here for it, I'll understand."

Later that day, Jensen, Cougar, Pooch, and I were still on the boat while Aisha and Clay out.

"Ah shit.", Jensen said. I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind to see what was wrong.

"The Petunias are playing the Marigolds  on Sunday."

"So?", Pooch said as I looked shocked at the computer.

"These are the Marigolds.", I said showing him the picture. Pooch looked and was just as shocked as me.

"Those are some hard looking eight year olds.", Pooch said making us laugh.

"Look at these inmates.", I said making us laugh more. That's when Roque came in.

"How you doing?"

Jensen turned the laptop back around so he can get back to work.

"I was just trying to connect Fadhil's drug operation to Max's cash. There's about 4 million missing I'm  just trying to track it down."

"What are you doing up, Pooch.", Rouqe asked.

"Jensen hacked the satellite for me earlier."

"What do you need a satellite for?"

Pooch then showed the security camera footage of his wife at the grocery store. She was struggling, because of the baby.

"Wait a second, is that today?", Rouqe asked.

"She probably knows if it's a boy or girl."

"Congratulations, man.", I said.

"You say that now, but you know her. When she finds out I'm alive, she's gonna kill me.", Pooch stated. "I can't let her have that baby without me."

"Pooch, we all know we're gonna die in there.", Roque said. "We can all do that without you."

"No, you can't."

"Go home."

There was an awkward silence until Jensen finally broke it.

"Got it!", he exclaimed. "Fadhil's four million didn't disappear, it just went into a private account."

"Who's account?", I asked.

"It's family trust. It's says at the event of his death, goes to his kid named-", Jensen stopped shocked.


"SHIT.", Roque said as we all hurried to Clays hotel room. We broke the door coming in, guns raised.

"She's Fadhil's daughter, Clay!", Roque said as she went to pick up her gun.

"She Fadhil's daughter! She Fadhil's daughter. Oh shit.", Jensen said finally coming into the room. "She's got gun and it's pointed at my dick. Clay, it's pointed at my dick!"

"Would you rather have it pointed at your face?", Pooch asked Jensen.

"I know it makes no sense, but yes."

Aisha then pointed the gun at his face.


"Not really?"

"Where's your gun, Jensen?", I asked Jensen.

"In the van."

"What's it doing there?"

"Not much."

"Would you people shut up?", Roque said annoyed.

"What if it was pointed at your dick?", Jensen said taking his arms down which made Aisha shoot him.

I know this bitch did not just shoot my boyfriend! As soon as she went into the bathroom, we started firing bullets. We finally stopped and I went down to help Jensen.

"Jake, where you hit, babe?", I asked frantically searching his body.

"Ahhh, she shot me. In my arm!", he yelled.

"You'll live. You're gonna live.", Pooch told Jensen. Cougar tried to see it, but Jensen screamed.

"Ahh! Cougar, be careful!", he shouted.

"Alright, Jensen, we have to go. let me help you up.", I said helping him on his feet. We broke into a grocery store and laid Jensen down on the counter. He was biting down on a baby toy while Cougar stitched him up.

"She burdened us. All ops blown.", Pooch said. "She knows our names, faces."

"Does she know about our families?", I asked Clay, but he was silent. "Dammit, Clay, look at me!"

He looked at me and I repeated my question. "Does she know about our families?"


"I gotta go home to Springfield. Jensen can come with me. His niece is in New Hampshire.", Pooch said. "I'm done."

"Well, I'm going to the port, okay.", Roque said.

"You get back to your families. We'll get Max. I did this. I made the call in Bolivia. I put your families in danger.", Clay said to us.

"Let me and Clay finish this."

"You two idiots are gonna go in there blind?", I asked him.

"Three.", Cougar said cocking his gun.

"Hey, getting shot's great. Won't hurt to do it again.", Jensen said making me sigh.

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that.", I said  laying my head on his chest.

"Four idiots.", Roque said.

"Five idiots. I go where this idiot goes.", I said looking at Jensen, deadpanned, making him smile.

"You sons of bitches.", Pooch chuckled debating on whether he should help us or not.

"I'll drive.", he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Six.", Clay said smiling.


"You ready, Teddy Bear?", Jensen asked me. I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him tenderly.

"I was born ready.", I said and he smirked. We started to climb buildings to get to where Clay and Roque were. We got to a fence and I got up with ease, but Jensen got  his hand stuck in the barbed wire. I heard a guy call at us, but Cougar shot him. I helped Jensen get it out and we climbed up to the meet up point. Jensen held my waist and we slid down from the ceiling to open the door.

"What's the password?", Jensen asked.

"Let us in or I'll kill you.", Roque said.

"Correct.", Jensen then opened the door for Clay and Roque.

"The main server is two skylights over.", I said. "We're gonna be coming from that door.

"Get ready to move as soon as Cougar hits the fire alarm.", Clay said. "Get gone."

Me and Jenson went back up to the roof to get to the building where the main server is. We finally made it and there was a glass window.

"I'm above the computer room.", Jensen said. "30 seconds out."

Jensen is gonna have to jump through the glass to get through.

"Go Petunias.", he said to himself and jumped in, breaking the glass. I was going to jump too but I felt a gun pointed at the back of my head.

"Get up real slowly, sweetheart.", the man behind me said. I slowly got up and turned to see three men with guns pointed at me.


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