You confuse Ethan for Gray

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Today was the twins birthday and also marks 6 months from when you and Gray started dating.

You bought him a few items such as his favorite candy, a pair of expensive shoes he wanted and a card with a picture of the two of you. You worked really hard to get the money to buy those and hoped he liked them.

You wanted to get to the Dolan house early in order to surprise Gray when he wakes up.

His mom was in on it also and opened the door when you arrived. You placed the gifts down on a cabinet, then snuck up to your boyfriend's room. Finally, you opened and shut the door quietly behind once inside.

You never got tired of hearing his cute snores. You lay down beside him and wrap your arms around his muscular torso. He turned around now facing you.

You softly kissed him and although he is still slightly sleeping, he kissed back with an edge to it, softly tugging your waist closer to his. You pulled away so things don't go to far.

"Happy 16th Birthday Gray" He quickly got up and jumped out of bed.

"Wait? Y/n?!"

"Oh my god... I just kissed Ethan..." You repeated in your head.

"Ethan?! Why are you in Grayson's bed?!" You sort of whisper yell so Grayson doesn't wake up.

"We switched beds to try and prank mom" he said pacing back and forth in the room. "I was so close to... Never mind"

You placed your head in your hands. You felt horrible even though it was by accident, but you swore to tell Grayson everything and could not keep this from him. However, today was his birthday and you were not about to ruin it.

"Ethan, I have to tell him..." you whispered.

"Yeah I guess, but not today. Let him enjoy our birthday." Ethan said. You nodded in agreement. You knew he had a girlfriend as well who was really sweet and genuine. You had no idea if Ethan was going to tell her.

"I'm so sorry about that Ethan" you apologized to him "and happy birthday."

"Don't worry about it and thanks" He replied.

You tried giving Grayson the best day possible but the thought of kissing Ethan was pending on your mind. He really liked his gifts and didn't seem to notice.


Surprisingly when you finally told him about the kiss, he laughed.

"I knew it was going to happen one day" he said.

"You're not mad?" This was a different mentality than what was expected.

"Nah. As long as you don't catch feelings for Eth, I'm good"

"You're mine Gray" you said snuggling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now