Flash's Holiday

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"Barry hurry up! For the fastest man alive you're really slowing us down!"

Barry just sighed and rolled his eyes "Calm down Cisco! It's not like the beach is going to close or anything!"

Cisco gasped "You think my motives are so selfish that the only reason I want you to go faster is so we can get to the beach?!"

Iris thought about it "Ya I'm pretty sure that's what we're all thinking Cisco. Why do want to go to the beach so badly anyway? I mean summer's only just started."

"Exactly!" Cisco started walking a little slower so he could talk to them "When we were kids my brother and I would always come down to the beach at the beginning of the summer. That was because every year they would host a sand sculpture contest. We would always make it a contest to see who would get a ribbon and who wouldn't. Well I still haven't gotten my ribbon!"

Caitlin looked over at him "How many ribbons did your brother get?"

Cisco looked down at the ground "Twelve... But I'm determined to get one this year! And he won't!"

Wally raised an eye brow "Is your brother even entering the contest?"

Cisco's face fell "No... That's why he won't get one!"

They had finally reached the beach and Barry looked around at all the sculptures. He whistled "Wow... some of these are pretty good... Cisco when does the contest end?"

He looked down at his watch "In about... two hours..."

"Two hours?!" they all yelled.

"Why do you think I was telling you to hurry!" he countered.

Barry sighed "We'd better get started then..."

All of a sudden a loud roar followed by screams was heard from the other side of the beach. Iris tried to get a better look "I wonder what happened..."

"Maybe someone saw a shark?" Caitlin asked.

Wally finally saw what none of them had "I think they saw a shark all right!"

Sure enough as people cleared off the beach an all too familiar gray monster emerged from the water. They all gasped "King Shark!"

"But..." Caitlin stuttered "I thought he had been captured! How did he escape?!"

Barry ran off then came back a second later wearing his costume "I don't know how he did but I'm making sure he goes back where he belongs!" he turned to Cisco and tossed him a shovel "You guys start on the sculpture. I'll deal with old shark face!"

By the time Barry was at the other side of the beach most of the beach goers had already fled the scene. "Hey Fish Breath!" King Shark looked over at him and snarled "Let's try to make this quick!" he started running around the shark until he built up enough energy to throw a lightning bolt at him. Unfortunately with its tough skin the lightning barely phased it. It just picked up a giant rock and growled. That's when the real battle began...

"Iris go get sea shells!" she nodded and ran down the beach with a bucket. "Caitlin start building walls!" she gave Cisco a quick salute then started building.

"Um..." Wally watched as Barry almost got hit by a giant rock "Should we maybe be helping him?"

Cisco glared at him "And give up on my life's dream of winning a sand sculpture contest?!"

"Wait..." Wally stopped him "Your lie's dream is to win a kid's sand contest?!"

"That's not the point!" Cisco yelled "The point is... Barry's doing just fine! See! He only almost got hit by that rock! Now why don't you just sit down and start making a moat ok?" Wally sighed and did what he was told even though what he really wanted to be doing was helping Barry. If only he had super speed...

Barry watched helplessly as another sand sculpture was crushed by a rock. "Man the judges are not going to be very happy..."

"Perfect!" Cisco jumped for joy as he looked at his masterpiece "It's beautiful!"

Iris and Caitlin both looked at each other and shook their heads. They had tried to build a 'castle' if you could even call it that. It looked more like someone covered a pile of sand in sea shells. (Which is basically what they had done)

Barry ran back over to them and looked at the sculpture "Oh... uh... nice work guys! It uh... looks amazing!" Everyone but Cisco could tell he was clearly lying.

Wally ran over to him "Did you beat King Shark?!"

He nodded and patted him on the head "Dealing with him was cake! Even if it meant all of Cisco's completion got destroyed..."

"What happened here?!" they all turned around to see a distinguished looking man holding a clipboard "Where are all of the sculptures?!"

"Here's one sir!" Cisco waved at him and started bouncing with excitement.

The man walked over and looked down at their 'sculpture' "This is it?" they all nodded. He sighed "Well I suppose sense you're the only contestant..." he bent down and placed a blue ribbon on Cisco's 'masterpiece'. "Congratulations." And just like that the man walked away. As soon as he had left everyone started cheering for Cisco. He had finally achieved his life's dream. No matter how lame it was...

(A/N - Hey guys! :) I've never done a Flash One Shot but I saw the 'Happens Next' Contest so I thought I'd try to enter this in it. Wish me luck!)

Flash's Holiday [A CW Flash One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now