Chapter two; The Introduction

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The sun shone bright the next morning as it peeked through my curtains. I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them to regain vision. I had to be sedated many times in life as training and the red eyes and itchiness didn't seem to bother me anymore.

Taking a deep breathe I stood up from the bed and glanced at the watch that read seven o'clock in the morning. The immunity to the sedative was becoming a problem. I stepped into the walk in closet and changed into a black lace tank top and threw on a match in leather jacket. I changed my jeans for red burgundy ones and replaced my boots on my feet. With my hair braided back I was ready for whatever the morning desired of me.

"Morning, how did you sleep last night?" I grunted and smiled weakly at my father's welcome.
"Have you decided on your dress wear for tonight's event?" I blew air out of my mouth and did not answer the question.

I did not want to attend any stupid party because my father decided to 'marry his whore of a maid that's going to have his child.' My neighbor Mary would say whenever she was in earshot. I honestly wanted the little baby in her stomach but she looked down on me as though I was a poor lost puppy that needed rescuing and it was her job to become, if not my mother, than my new best friend.

"Yes, I did it's called sweats and a shirt. Listen do I have to go to this party?" He nodded and smiled as the 'mother to be' came and stood next to him. He touched her belly gently and kissed the top of her hair. She smiled and glanced quickly at me preparing to speak.
"Look ill come but don't even think I'm going to wear some pink fluffy dress" I bit a strawberry and grabbed my bag and skateboard. She laughed and gave me a hug before I left the room.

I skated down towards the end of the enormous driveway, cemented and filled with flowers from every parts of the country. I didn't hear it at first until the horns blared and my senses knocked me into motion.

A slick black mustang stood in front of me it had been coming up the driveway and had almost hit me in the process. The driver gave up on the horn and stepped outside of the car, so did the passenger. The driver wore a black suit with a white button down shirt and matching tie. He wore a black fedora too expensive to be made of anything other than black felt material. The person in the passenger seat wore blue jeans and a black thirty with a leather jacket. His posture was the complete opposite of his 'friend'.

The driver slammed the door and the shiny metal peaked through his jacket as he approached me in a fit of rage. He grabbed my forearm with such force it couldn't have broken with the slightest movement of his wrist. I reached for his gun and placed his towards his package whilst clicking off the safety and as a result getting a gun to my own head.

"Put it down" the man in the blue jeans demanded.
"Look Fabio I don't take orders from you or your buddy here. Now I want to know what you're doing on my property" I pressed the gun closer and narrowed my ee waiting for a response.

"What is going on here?!" My father ran out of the house in his signature blue suit and his classy black shoes.

I replaced the safety but did not remove my gun as I felt the towering figure loom over me. "Madeline." He spoke so calmly but dangerously that I lowered the gun and reversed it, hilt first handing it to the man.

"Hello, I am Mr.Viloni. I apologize for my daughters behavior she is weary of strangers" he put out his hand and waited for the man to shake it. He did so and nodded.
"I am Alessandro Vecente and this is my second in command Michael Grando. We were sent on my father's behave. Please excuse his absence he is not well at the time."

He opened the trunk and I watched as he and his 'friend' grabbed two black leather suitcases and walked towards the door. I watched them mind boggled at what was happening right before my eyes.
"They're staying?!"
My father sighed and opened his mouth to explain. "I was going to tell you, I wasn't expecting them so soon"
I shrugged and moved towards the house to make my point. "Hey!" I shouted at the two new guests and they stopped dead in their tracks but only Michael had turned around fully while the other brute just gave me a glance out of the corner of his eye.

"My room is off limits you here? Oh! And don't touch my books they're delicate and represent the only natural literature left" Michael nodded and smiled a bit before following my father to where they would be staying.

"Guests?" Claire walked in with a plate of cookies.
I nodded and smiled. Regardless I was actually starting to like her, I grabbed a cookie off the plate and sat with her to watch some television before going on my way.


I had returned that night late after meeting the new occupants of my house. I walked inside and doubted anyone to be awake, but the light in the kitchen made me uneasy as I entered the house slowly.

Entering the kitchen, I rolled my eyes at the brute, Alessandro, as he sat on a stool and drank a glass of scotch. He was wearing his fedora hat and flannel shirt, this time however his shirt was opened as he lazily smoked a cigar.
"I offered to wait for the woman of the household." He stated blandly and put out the cigar preparing to leave but I stood in his way.
"What is your business here?" I demanded, I wanted to know why they were here and what they wanted with my father's hospitality.

"That is my business Mia Bella" he stated casually.

"I'll find out and for the meantime just be careful and don't do anything stupid" I narrowed my eyes at him and left the kitchen towards my bedroom where I dreaded the long night ahead.

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