Chàpter 5

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When we reach the hospital, I run up to the front desk.  "Marcus Smith." She looked at my sympathetically "Room 367".  I mumble a quick thank you and speed walk to his room.  My eyes fill with tears when I see Mark lifelessly laying on the hospital bed.  " Audrey?" He mumbles sleepily.  I let out a breath of relief and make my way over to him.  "Mark are you okay?" Before he could answer, the doctor walked in.  I rushed to the doctor.  "Don't worry, he just passed out from lack of iron, nothing too serious.  Just be sure that these pills get to his parents." "Oh actually-" Mark started.  "I'll make sure they get them" I said silencing Mark.  He rolls his eyes and lays back down.  "Well" the doctor said happily "After some paperwork, he'll be be good to go." I smiled before the doctor walked out of the room.  I turn back to Mark "You're going to have to make up with them sooner or  later." He sighs "I guess your right." I smile happily "Good, now let's get out of here.  If I stay here any longer, I'm going to pass out." I joke.  Just as I think the day couldn't get any worse, a limping Niall comes around the corner. 

A/N: Okay, so about the updating 3 chapters every Monday, that's not going to work for meI'm too exited about this book to only update once a weekSo, I'm not going to set a certain day to updateIf I feel it, I'll update if not, I'll probably have some very angry readersOopsie future apologiesYou know what's goodPickles and peanut butter. Random fact.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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