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Boys drive me crazy they dump you for other girls,then only care about your body,they just don't care so why are we in love with them my name is Jordan I'm an American/French girl and yes I'm the author of this story,bit it's not just about boys it's about me and someone doesn't like you don't force yourself to love them or be friends with them enjoy.Please don't copy this story.thank you

I was born February 9,2003 in Oklahoma. I have three sisters and one step brother the oldest Senet, Karcsi and Assaic the second oldest,
Nanette the middle child, and me Jordanie or you can call me Jordan the youngest me and my siblings lived with me until I was three and then didn't see them anymore.


Yes dear.

what's for breakfast?


That's my favorite.

I know.

You want me to drop you off at school today.

No I'm good I'll just walk like usual.

Ok, have a good day of school.

I will. In France my preschool was universal pre-K there I did everything needed for elementary school, but then at the end of pre-k my mother had a crazy idea.

Were moving to American!

What, that's crazy mother it's different there none of my friends are there.

There video games are different.


Then all of my siblings shouted IT'S NOT FAIR.

Then fine you guys can stay here with grand-mère.

That's fine with me.

Then my mom looked at me.

You haven't said anything do want to stay here in pairs or go to America with me.

And of course America isn't the same as France,but it's definitely worth going if never had been to so.

There are so many trees here mother.

Yes there are many trees here and less people.



Where are we?

Calvert county. This is were we will be staying at.

It's nice and elementary school.

Saint Leonard.

But here they have different time than us so they will start next month
Which means you need to practice English.

What about my pianist lesson?

Sorry, sweetie you won't be taking them anymore while we're here.

Oh, that's alright i didn't need them anyway.

Honey I know this is a new transition for you, but everything will be alright.

Yeah I know mom.

Are you ready for the first day of school honey.


Good have fun.

Thanks mother. The first day of school was different people had different accents,but all the same I guess people here arn't all from different countries. That year I passed kindergarten as years went on to 1,2,and 3grade every boy I liked liked another girl it drove me crazy until 4grade then it's a little different.

Jordan it's me Rylie.

Rylie, ha what this is great your in my class.

I know right.

Whatev, do you need help?

Umm, no I'm just working on my way to be the most popular.

Well good luck with that.

Oh thanks.

That day that I met a girl named taja and didn't know she be my bestest friend, I did enjoyed 4,5 and6th grade.
Of course I fell in love with some boys, but they didn't mean anything all they did was brake my heart I learned if a boy that you really like doesn't love you then he is not worth your time, but the ones that talk to you and love you too there the ones to keep.

Please DO NOT COPY and check out my new book coming out You, Me and The Apocalypse. Thanks

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