A vampire's Ballerina-2

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She couldn't help but feel shrouded in helplessness, something she hated above all else. Why couldn't he just leave me be! She made it perfectly clear she wasn't interested in him, so why was he persisting? Was he that stupid, was it arrogance, thinking he could seduce her somehow? If so, he obviously chose the wrong girl to harass. She refused to bend to anyone's will, particularly a guy she didn't know who quite possible was insane. She wasn't going to stand for this, she would just take matters into her own hands. "No more miss nice girl." She muttered before she drove to the nearest army surplus store and plunked a wad of bills down and requested the most powerful stun gun the owner possessed.

The owner looked at Gretta strangely as she examined the black steel grip of the stun gun.

"What are you going to do with that, if you don't mind me asking?" The old man asked.

"Protection." She answered without looking up from her new stun gun.

The man looked slightly concerned. "Are you in some kind of danger, Miss?"

She finally lifted her head toward the man and replied, "Not anymore." She smiled happily, probably making her look like a maniac, but she didn't care. 

The smooth cold metal felt good in my hands, it made her feel powerful, like she could take on the world. It gave her an adrenaline rush just holding it.

It was the perfect size to fit in her cellphone case too. "it could be more perfect." She said as she affectionately stroking the stun gun.


He watched her enter the army store, the way she smiled at the cashier, the way she wave as she left for the hotel. It didn't sit right with him.

'What could she be thinking? That man had to have been 20 years older than her!'

Tonight. It was decided.

He would take her tonight.

She obviously couldn't be trusted on her own.

Gretta fell asleep that night feeling safer than she had in months. She cuddled up to a pillow and slept peacefully the entire night, without a single bad dream.


Ewan watched her sleep, she looked so peaceful and happy.

Did it have something to do with the man at the Army Surplus? The mere thought made his blood boil. No one was going to take her away from him, no one.

He lifted her gently, not bothering to stop when she shifted slightly in her sleep. He knew from months of watching her in her old apartment, she was a heavy sleeper. One time her neighbor watched a MASH marathon at 4 in the morning, and the volume was deafeningly loud. She never even stirred. After grabbing her bag and cellphone case-humans were so dependent on technology-he flew off into the night, with the most precious thing in his life nestled sweetly into his chest.

As they arrived, he began to go over a checklist in his head, he knew he would have to remove everything breakable from her room in his manor. Yes, she had her very own room, he'd decorated it himself just for her, month in advance, awaiting the day she would use it.


Gretta sighed happily as she stretched. She felt so good after sleeping so soundly.

She didn't feel like putting her contacts in today, so she felt on the night stand for her glasses case. She began to get annoyed as she gropped the surface of the table, finding everything but what she was after.

Where did I put it? She wondered.

Maybe it got knocked off the bed. She slid out of the bed, the bed seemed further from the ground than she remembered, but she dismissed it.

She reached under the bed feeling blindly for the black velvet case containing her glasses.  

Nope, not under there either.

"Lose something, my dear?" A voice called from behind her.

She turned swiftly to be met with the blurry figure of a man. She squinted to get a clearer view, but it was no use.

Assuming he was a maid or something, she asked him if he had seen a velvet box anywhere.

"He rummage around alittle before muttering an 'Ah, here it is!'

Gretta smiled in his direction and thanked him.

The color drained from her face as the world came back into focus via corrective lenses. It was Ewan. she began to breathe hard, I couldn't catch my breath. I grabbed her chest and stumbled backwards.

He was here. He found me. Oh god...

Ewan reached out as if to steady her, but she jerked away from him.

"St-stay away from me!" She yelled shakily.

"Gretta, please." He pleaded.

"No! Just leave me alone." She slid down the wall sobbing in fright. He hadn't approached her anymore, but she was still terrified.

What was he going to do to me? She thought miserably.

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