Chapter four

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We walked to the car but out of nowhere we heard someone shouting Rosie. We turned around to see the bassist of that band running towards us with something in his hand. “Hey! Hey, Rosie I saw you go out the bar. You left this behind.” I glared at him trying to make him get this over with, I backed up a bit giving them some space.

“Um… thanx. Sorry about making you run out here to give it me” Rosie said blushing more than she was in the pub. He looked down at her, she was only a bit shorter than him. He began twiddling his fingers in his hands, must have been a nervous habit for him.

“It’s ok. I don’t mind really. I was wondering if you was coming back again soon” was he asking her out?! Oh hell no! I stepped in between them and glared at him.

“Thank you very much but we have to go. Bye now” I grabbed Rosie’s coat then started pulling her towards the car again. I push her in the car gently, then i get in the driver’s seat slamming the door after me. I glared at her, from the top of my sight I saw the bassist look down sadly and walk away with his head down. I coughed a bit to get her attention, she looked up at me and I gave her the ‘what the hell do you think you’re doing’ look.

“I’m not doing anything wrong! Aren’t I allowed to have another friend, or at the most a boyfriend? He’s pretty cute, plus I’m not the only one who has someone after them for love. You and Gerard seemed pretty happy together.” She smiled at me and I began to get mad.

“Who is Gerard? Anyway you can’t and nether can I, not in our case. We have too much going on already we don’t need any distractions. Got it?”

“But…” she pleaded, looking at me sadly. Wow, she must really like this guy. No! I’m not going there, there’s too much going on and too much pain can be caused because of love.

“No buts, no boyfriends and that’s final. At least not until we’re out of this mess.” She looked down trying to avoid eye contact with me. I sighed then started up the car, this was a good night.

The drive home was quiet Rosie didn't talk the whole way. I didn’t expect her too she was mad at me, I could tell. She had to understand thou we can’t get serious with anyone at the moment.

Rosie’s pov

I can’t believe she said that, why couldn’t I like him? He likes me back. I know we are on the run but it doesn’t mean we should shut ourselves off. The guy is HOT, I mean I know I hardly know him but still. He also gave me his number, we got home and I quickly ran upstairs. No protest off Francesca, no surprise. I shut the room door and texted Mikey.

Text: Hi, Rosie here. Sorry about earlier, my mate can b rude. L

It took a while but he soon texted me back, I saw it light up out the corner of my eye and I ran to it nearly falling off the bed.

Text from Mikey: Hey, it’s ok she seemed tired anyway. So how are you? J

Text: I’m ok. I really wish we could have stayed longer…

Text from Mikey: Same here. Rosie we have a few more songs to perform before we have to go, want to sneak out to meet us?

I couldn’t believe it, was he asking me out on a date? YES! I quickly ran downstairs and outside, forget Francesca she can leave me alone to have a life. I walked quickly to the front of the pub and waited for him to come out. It wasn’t long before I saw his head poke out the door then smile at me. “Hiya again, want to join us?” I nodded then joined him quickly.

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