Chapter 2- Have You Ever Been To Niagara Falls?

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4 minutes and 30 seconds left until the bell rings...

4 minutes and 23 seconds...

Fingers snap in front of my face and I snap my attention to my right.

"What do you want?" I rudely snap. I really should stop taking my anger out on those around me. It's going to impact my reputation, not that I really care. I just want to live a normal high school life, have a fairly decent job, marry a fairly decent guy, and have two kids. A normal life. It's not easy to yearn for a normal life if you're born into a prestigious family like mine.

"I'm just wondering if you're okay. You seem a little... mad?" a guy asks, his face masked with concern. He has jet black hair that falls slighty over his big eyes. It's difficult to tell what color it is, for some reason. It looks brown, but at closer look, it looks swampy green.

My face softens as I feel his genuine concern. "Sorry, I'm feeling a bit moody. I've bumped into some quite unfortunate misconviences this morning," I say as Chase's face flashes through my brain. 

"You mean the 'condomized' handles and 'ketchupfied' stair railings?" he asks with a light chuckle which leads to a small dimple coming to view on his right cheek.

"Yeah. You fell for the pranks too?"

"No, I just know about it," he responds and adds, "Don't feel so down already. There will be more pranks to come. It is Freshman Friday, after all. This is only the beginning."

"I know. It's just that the more I think about how the people in the school just let freshmans get pranked all the time disgusts me. I mean, can't someone start a rebellion and stand up for themselves?" I ask, frustrated with how unfair this school is. Not just school, this world, too. This life. This generation.

"Sounds easier said than done, right? Why don't you start a rebellion?

He has a point. I say nothing.

"There's a reason why no freshmen have stood up for themselves," he continues. "They know what they're up against, and it terrifies them."

"Are you talking about Chase Stunner?"

"Yeah," he replies. "You know about him? Wait, that's a dumb question. I bet all the freshmans know who he is by now."

"He's an idiot for enjoying watching freshmen suffer. It's sadistic," I murmer and furrow my eyebrows. "I hate to admit it, but he does give me the chills. Are you scared of him?"

"He's the last person I would be scared of," he says with a reassuring smile. "I mean like, behind every tough guy's exterior is a decent person. Seems delusional right?"

I frown as I think about how a person like Chase could be decent. I shake my head. "Forget about him. What's your name?"



"That's a nice name," I say with a smile. It reminds me of those boy-next-door type of guys. He certainly seems like one. 

"It really isn't. Your name is nicer."

"Thanks," I say with a smile. "Wait. How do you know my name?"

"Take a seat, Carla Rose," Adam says, quoting Ms. Jordan. 

The bell rings and everyone quickly packs their things to get the hell out of the room, including Adam. We walk out the room together.

Just as we are about to go separate ways, Adam says, "I hope you have a change of clothes today. Have you ever been to Niagara Falls?"

"Yeah?" I say, absolutely confused. What is he trying to say? 

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