darkiplier's love

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You wake up feeling terrible you sit up holding your stomach feeling like your going to puke dark opens the door worried he sees you awake and hugs you then sighs in relief. " how are you feeling dear?" You look at him " I feel awful" " well that's not good here have some soup" he hands you a bowel of soup and some crackers " thanks dark" you very happy at the same time you feel awful " what happened?" " well dear I returned the Go back to her family and she has no memory this happened as soon as I walked into the door you where breathing heavy and your face was turning red and on the floor I rushed to you and tried calling your name but you didn't respond. I was worried sick so I called the doctor and well.... " dark? What did the doctor say" " ....." " darkiplier what did the doctor say" " I kinda got you pregnant" "...." " YOU WHAT!?" you get up and glare at dark " calm down dear" you punch darks chest " you idiot idiot IDIOT IDIOT!" " I know nothing about children and I don't think you've notice but you have a short temper the child night die from you hurting it " darkiplier looks at you and takes your hand " I don't harm children teens and adults I can harm with no problem but seeing a child hurt just breaks my heart I may slap its hand or something but I would never hurt a child and I would never ever hurt something of mine even though I've hurt you I still want you to be safe I just can't control myself once im angry" you look at him and calm down then smile gently " sorry i was just shocked and scared but now that I think about it I'm kind of happy" he looks at you and smiles then hugs you. I'm truly sorry I didn't mean to I guess I got a bit excited but don't worry I'll be the best father I can be. You giggle a little and whisper I love you dark you realize what you said and stand there shock dark looks at you surprised " y-you what"? You sit there and think about what you said then reply " i-i love you dark" he smiles you've never seen him smile like that before he picks you up and spins you around then hugs you tightly " you love me I'm actually loved someone actually loves me and not just mark" you think to yourself " that's right everyone loves mark no one could ever dare to even like darkiplier I guess he's been jealous of Mark the whole time" your stomach feels terrible then you run to the bathroom and throw up dark looks at you worried " don't worry dark this is normal" you smile and get back into bed I'm just gonna rest some more" alright dear" he sits next to you and hold your hand " I'm gonna try to be with you as much as possible you smile " thanks dark " you fall asleep. A few years pass by you had a baby girl named Mitchi she now 5 " daddy daddy! Look I made tea try it"! Dark giggles " alright I'll try it" he drinks the tea it taste bitter but he doesn't want to hurt her feelings " it taste good princess" Mitchi giggles yaay! She goes back to coloring you sit and watch TV dark comes up from behind you and kisses your neck you smile " I have to go out for a little dear so I'll be home a bit late" " alright dark" you go and pick mitchi up " come on sweetie we gotta go upstairs" dark kisses mitchi forehead see you soon princess " bye daddy " you take mitchi upstairs and you guys play for a while. Later on you hear a noise thinking dark is back you go check the door is open but no one is there and usually dark says something when he comes back home so its not dark but it couldn't be anyone else no one knows this place exsit and if they do they wouldn't have made it this far unless..... You grab mitchi and hide in the closet you tell her to not talk and you guys wait then you hear someone saying " come out come out where ever you are anti's gonna find you" the  footsteps get louder and louder then he opens the closet " there you are " you hold mitchi and run out of the house. Despise you feet bleeding you carry mitchi and run as fast as you can to the path trying to find dark " mommy I'm scared " " just hold on sweetie we'll find daddy soon" you hide mitchi somewhere " now u want you to stay here and when everything goes quiet I want you to run back home as fast as you can ok?" ' ok mommy" you kiss her forehead and keep running anti catches up to then knocks you out and everything turns black. Everything is quiet to quiet mitchi peeks her head out and sees anti carrying you away she hides again then comes back out a few mins later then she runs home her feet is bleeding but she needs to get home fast she opens the door and yells " DADDY DADDY!!!" dark rushes downstairs and sees Mitchi then picks her up " mitchi! Your bleeding come here princess " dark wraps up her feet and picks her up again " here's mommy princess?" " some bad man with green hair look mommy away!" Dark looks angry his eyes turn red and he clentches his teeth dark puts mitchi on his bed and puts death traps everywhere and a few guard dogs "stay here princesss daddy is gonna get mommy back" Dark walks out of the house and mitchi sits there alone. You wake up hanging and tied " good morning Missy" anti walks closer to you and smiles finally awake you look down and see your clothes are missing you're only wearing your underwear " where are my clothes anto" " oh those old things they where dirty so I thought I'd wash them up for ya" you glare at anti" don't look so mean Missy I won't do anything.. Yet" " let me go anti dark won't be happy with you" " dark won't be able to do anything but watch me hurt you over and over again see dark can get hurt all he wants but soon he'll get use to it and that gets boring he doesn't like sharing His own pain but i know he'll beg and please for your safety" you glare at anti and kick his balls jack gets angry and slaps you " that's a warning Missy try again and you'll really be in pain".

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