darkiplier's love

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Darkiplier sets you down gently on the bed he walks and grabs a first aid kit and wraps bandages around your leg. You look shocked very shocked you knew he could do very evil things but you never knew he could be kind not in a million years. Darkiplier look up at you " why the shocked look dear"? You reply back saying " I knew you where capable of anything and everything but I don't know you could be kind this is very shocking to me" he chuckles a little then stands up and kisses your forehead his touch Is cold at the same time warm. "Well dear I would punish you but you've got your punishment already so I'll go get you some dinner be a good girl we don't want you getting yourself hurt this time and my friend will be here soon so you can chat with him" he closes the door and there silence again. You sit there wondering " who could his friend be I didn't even know he had friends " a Hour pass by and the door opens you jump up quickly ready to attack you charge at the persom thinking someone might have hurt dark since the door was opened so quietly and calmy unlike the way dark opens doors then the person grabs your wrist and you hear " whoa there calm down Missy" you know its a male and he's Irish he walks towards you. His hair is green and has one blue eye and the other green he's shorter than dark and seem a but weaker but he has a strong grip. Then you realize and whisper "antisepticeye". He looks at you with a innocent smile yeep its me he let's go of your wrist " sorry about that I hope I didn't leave a scar on ya  dark would not be happy with me if he found out I left a scar on you. You look at him and smile " no I'm fine I don't have a scar or a mark it just hurt a little " you go back to the Bed and jack sits next to you and stare at you with a cold but worried stare " looks like you tried to escape" " yea I did but it failed I tripped over a rock and something sharp went into my leg" he stares at you for a second then his voice gets a little lower and more scarier he stares at you like he was warning you about something or someone. " you know that wasn't an accident right" "huh?" You look at him confused " he told ya before this is his forest every humans he captured they've tried to run away he got sick of it so he put traps everywhere even if you do manage to escape you'll nearly bleed to death he has knifes and needleds everywhere this forest is a death trap". You look at anti for a minute then you ask him " how did u get through the forest your not bleeding or anything you look perfectly fine" " heh I'm darks closest friend I know this forest inside and out he might have made this forest a death trap but he needs to leave the forest sometimes and let friends in trust me there's a clear path we all take " you think to yourself " a clear path? If i could get him to tell me where that is I could leave this place in one piece but that'll be hard anti is way to loyal even if u beat him to death he would never tell you how could I get him to tell me where this path is". As you look up at anti he states at you for a while with a hungry look in his eyes he gets closer to you you try to move but you body won't move its like he paralyzed you. You struggle to move as he gets closer to your lips then someone opens the door anti quickly moves away from you and your body is free again. It was dark but his eyes seemed angry like he knew what was going on but he just smiled and said " dinners ready you two " anti gets up and smiles innocently as if nothing ever happened "dark! Good to see you I love your cooking" " heh I didn't know you where here anti I thought you where coming a bit later anyways thanks for keeping my kitten here some company I appreciate it" dark then whispers something in anti ear you knew what he said since you've been able to read lips for a while " me and you are going to have a talk later anti" His voice sounds colder and more serious its the first time you've been scared of dark. You all go downstairs for dinner anti and dark talk cheerfully but you sit there and think about what dark said to anti before you a bit worried but you keep eating you wouldn't want to upset dark after dinner you hear dark and anto In a room you go closer and listen to their conversation.

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