Under That Cosplay

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Everyone around Zhouzhou knew that he's a fan of anime related. Well, he might look cool sometimes, but he also has a side which look nerdy cute, or even beautiful. Really, when people look at him, no one would say he's a girl. Everything about him scream manliness. But there's also a beautiful vibe coming out of him. Everyone who had seen him will understand.

His eyes sparkled this morning since he couldn't wait to go to an anime convention. He went there with his group of friends who also loves anime. Well, he himself isn't into cosplaying. He loves seeing cosplayer and maybe took a picture with them. If his friends asked him to, he wouldn't mind wearing a cosplay. But it's just not his true interest.

Well, the convention is packed with anime lovers. Zhouzhou otaku side is surfacing immediately when he came in. Zhouzhou and his two friends screamed full of excitement seeing the atmosphere in that place. If there's another world, they believe they are there right now. It's so much different with their reality.

"Hey, check that out," a friend with glasses yelled as he run towards a booth he talked about.

Zhouzhou and a cute shorter guy followed right behind. They didn't want to separate themselves in this big place. Not that they worried about getting lost. They just want to enjoy it together so the excitement will be multiplied.

Between those three otakus, they have their own language to communicate. Well, it's a human language but at the same time ordinary human won't understand a bit what they are talking about. Though the people in the convention probably understand them easily. They have the same interest and that's what brought them together in the first place.

"Guys, guys, that's Hinata."

Once again the glasses guy ran off. He's the most excited one between those three. Well, two of his friend is also excited, but his level of excitement is just off the chart. No one can compare.

They took photo together with the Hinata who welcomed them happily. She is a serious cosplayer. She looks so much like Hinata and those accessories must costed a fortune.

The three lost musketeers visited most of the booths already. They took pictures with their favourite characters and had so much fun. It's been more than 3 hours already but for them, time just stood still since they enter the gate. 

Zhouzhou gazed towards one of the booth with a lot of people surrounding it. It caught his interest but there's also something else. Something he couldn't quite explained. His feet brought him there first before he could think of anything.

Right there, in the middle of the crowd, he saw someone familiar. Someone he thought he'll never meet again. Just one glance and he knew the guy under that cosplay is the one he saw that day. It's been months already but once he saw him, it just felt like yesterday.

His stare froze at that figure. Zhouzhou couldn't care less what that guy's cosplaying. His mind is full of the guy himself. 

There's just something about that guy. Since the first time their eyes met, he knew that guy is special. But Zhouzhou didn't know how special that guy for him, not yet. He just thought he's a very handsome and manly guy. He's like an ideal form of a man. Zhouzhou admired that stranger.

Jingyu is wearing a cosplay he didn't even know exist before this job. He's supposed to pose a few pose with that outfit. It's just a job but he tried his best to have fun in it. He loves people taking his photos and enjoy the attention. He threw his charm and handsomeness here and there to the strangers around him.

It's almost his break time. He's able to maintain a smile on his face this whole time. But he couldn't hide his shock expression when his beauty is there. Right in front of him. Staring at him. There's just no way he could ignore that.

He wanted to leave his post but the guy he knew as Zhou's already out of sight. It happened again. He felt like fate is playing with him. It's the second time he lost Zhou. Both are just as easy. Perhaps they're not meant to meet.

Jingyu finally took a break. He went to a more secluded area with less people and drank his water. His outfit made him feel hot but there's really not much he could do about it. He took out his phone and see his favourite album. There was the picture of the beauty he took months ago. 

After that one time, Jingyu often went back to that area in order to find Zhou. He really wanted to meet again. He only knew he's called Zhou and no other information. So there's really no way for him to find out more. That place. That area is his only connection to his beauty.

"Hey," Jingyu looked up to see who's talking to him and hurriedly hide his phone.

He finally heard the voice of his beauty. He wondered how he will sound like and now he got his answer. His voice is as beautiful as his face. Well, for Jingyu, perhaps everything about that guy is beautiful. He just couldn't help himself for being curious about that guy. He never knew a human, a man to be exact, could be that beautiful so flawlessly.


"What're you wearing?"

"To be honest, I don't know. Well, someone told me but I forgot."

"So, you're not into anime?"

"Nope. Sorry. It's just a job. I'm a model."

"Aah," Zhouzhou understood how he became a model. He does look handsome. So so so much handsome. He, as man, envy Jingyu's appearance. He could get a lot of girls lining up for him if he had that look.

"I'm Jingyu."

"I'm Weizhou. But everyone calls me Zhouzhou."

Then there's silence. Not the awkward silent. It supposed to be one since they are stranger but somehow they are just comfortable around each other.

"Do you live around here?" with this question Jingyu hoped he could meet Zhouzhou again.

"My parents do. I just moved to Beijing."

Jingyu felt a bit of disappointment. It wouldn't be easy for them to meet then.

"Anyway, it was nice seeing you again. I've been meaning to tell you this..." Jingyu's getting excited hearing Zhouzhou's sentence he didn't even know why. "You look really handsome and cool. I've never met anyone as handsome as you."

Did Jingyu just hear that? Yes, he didn't hear wrong. A stranger, a beautiful stranger just complimented his look. And he's so happy because of that.

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well."

Zhouzhou felt complicated with that compliment. It was a compliment but it's not the compliment he's hoping for. He knew he might not be as handsome as him but to be told beautiful by that handsome guy didn't feel that good.

"Thank you I guess. Well, I need to get going. My friends probably waiting for me."

"Wait," Jingyu grabbed Zhouzhou's wrist and shocked both of them. "Hmm, can we meet again? I mean, I thought it would be great to be your friend."

"That sounds good for me. Here's my number."

Zhouzhou gave away his number and waved goodbye. Jingyu waved back and smile. They're not strangers anymore.

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