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Hyukjae arrives at the cafeteria, the place where he promised to meet his bunny Hyung. Hyukjae try to search for him and his eyes lands on a blond man, wearing a pink polo shirt and black jeans, sitting alone while staring at his drink.

"Sungmin Hyung!!" Hyukjae calls out. He wants to make sure the blond was his cousin first before approaching him. Yes, Hyukjae and Sungmin are cousin. They have grown up together, play together, study together, and try to solve their mutual problem together. Mutual problem, you wonder?? Yes, they have a mutual problem. The problem is their boyfriend's one bad habit. Their boyfriends have a habit to pout whenever they sulk or are moody.

Okay, now back to the main story.

Sungmin heard someone call out his name so he tries to search the source of that familiar voice. There, he found Hyukjae in a black shirt and jeans, with a pair of branded sport shoes - branded sport shoes??- approaching him. Hyukjae takes a seat in front of him.

"Hyukjae-ah, where did you get that Nike? Is that mine?" Sungmin asked. Hyukjae just give a goofy grin to his cousin as an answer for his question.

"I just borrow it from you."

"Without my permission?"

"HEHE, chill Hyung. It's just a Nike."

"Yeah, it's just a Nike. Remember when you borrowed my Louis jeans? It's branded too, right? And I wonder, where have it gone?" Sungmin says, an annoyed intonation in his sentence. Hyukjae just grin at his bunny Hyung, showing his gummy smile to him. Sungmin just rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed.

"Oh, Hyung. Why do you want to meet me suddenly? Is that something with that Cho Gamer Kyuhyun?" Hyukjae asked. Sungmin just sighed.

" is just a misunderstanding. It's not like what he thought." Sungmin said.

"What actually happened Hyung?"

"You know that I'm being Sunny's tutor to help her since she is going to have her mid-year examination right?" With that Hyukjae just nodded to Sungmin as a response.

Then, Sungmin continues, "Yesterday, I was teaching Sunny English subject because she need to improve her essays. Her essays are so bad. Okay, not too bad but still she need to improve her writing skills."


"Kyuhyun saw us. He thought that we were dating in the library! And he said that I was cheating on him because I am already getting bored with him and he accused me that I'm flirting with Sunny! My junior!! How come I'm going to cheat on him and flirt with Sunny while I'm gay? What should I do now Hyukkie?" Sungmin rubs his face roughly with his sweaty palms, feeling frustrated with this kind of situations.

"Is that the main problem?" Hyukjae asked a little stupid question to Sungmin. Sungmin just stare at his dumb cousin. Is his cousin really so dumb or he just pretend to be this dumb?

"Hyuk, you know what, I just wonder, did I really, really have a cousin like you? What did Uncle Youngwoon fed you? Because you are so dumb."

"Hey! Don't say that to my father! I hate you Hyung!" Hyukjae said while crossing his arms to his chest. Sungmin just rolled his eyes, "Whatever"

"So, let me guess, he's pouting again?" Hyukjae guesses and Sungmin just nods his head, agreeing with monkey's statement.

Hyukjae know what his bunny Hyung feels, the feeling that he also had experience it by himself. The feeling that his mighty bunny Hyung and he can't handle well. Uneasy feeling. They can't stand with their boyfriend's pouty lips because it was damn cute, really damn cute. Those pouty lips have effected them. It drives them insane. They can't resist those lips. It was so attractive to be kiss. Sungmin, the aegyo king, also can't handle his boyfriend pouty lips. This is the same problem they try to solve or might I say, try to handle the problem.

Baby, Please Don't Pout [✔]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora